Green goblin (UW1)

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goblin (green)

Green goblin.png



goblin, from Ultima Underworld
Species: goblin
CollapseUltima Underworld
Location: the first level, Green Goblins

The unnamed green goblin is a member of the colony of green goblins in the northwest of the first level in Ultima Underworld.


Though simply called "goblin" in game, (s)he is quick to remind the avatar that the green goblins are distinct from the gray goblins, and that the green ones are the good ones because the gray ones are nasty and weak. There are also some mean goblins outside the settlement, but they wear red where the settled goblins wear light tan.

If asked about the leader, the response is that King Vernix is in the northwest, and that one should speak with Lanugo first.

The goblin has a few random items to barter.


  • In the goblin camp there are 2 sets of unnamed goblins, one that wields a club and one that wields a sword. The club wielding ones are in the living area while the sword wielding one guards the treasure room. The club wielders are conversational while the sword wielder is non-responsive. However, in the game files, there are two conversation trees for unnamed green goblins, presumably one for the club wielders and one for the sword wielders, as is done with the gray goblins. It is unknown whether the sword wielding treasury guard being non-conversational was intentional or a mistake by the developers.