The Abyssal Colony/the first level

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Great Stygian Abyss Colony
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A river flows crookedly through this level, the domain of goblins and outcasts.

Underworld Level 1.gif

(Temporary file until I get another one uploaded)

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The entrance to the Abyss connects to the first level, on the far south central side. Supposedly the doors cannot be opened from the inside, by force or by magic, but the mage Tyball has been able to get himself and a troll out and back into the Abyss, presumably by magical means.

"We attacked the entrance with all manner of tools, but it gave not a hair. It simply cannot be breached. Hence we have resigned ourselves to die in this hellish pit. - Elsmore"
– from a plaque near the entrance (Ultima Underworld)

There are multiple piles of bones throughout this area and this level. Most of them come from goblins, fighters, and adventurers. The most notable remains are those of a fighter named Alfred which can be found a ways west of the entrance.

There is small, vaguely triangle-shaped room in this area. In it is a giant rat guarding a hoard of food. The rat is not initially hostile toward anyone unless that someone takes a swipe at some of the rat's food. This early encounter demonstrates that not all creatures in the game are threatening, and not all that moves need be met with violence.


West of the entrance area is a room where an outcast named Bragit resides, scavenging the remains from a recent battle. He has a lot of advice for someone new to the Abyss, so stop and have a chat with him. He can also tell about his camp with the outcasts so pay attention. There is a bedroll in the corner, is he camping out here now? If so, he hasn't made himself a fire yet.

Beyond that room is the chasm room. You'll know you are in the chasm room when you find yourself on a platform in the middle of a room and the ground around you is far below. To the south an inclined path brings one from the height down to the ground level, but a section of this path has collapsed. It may look at bit daunting at first, but it's nothing a wiley adventurer can't find a way to leap across. There is a bone of a fighter nearby, it is unknown if that person perished in the collapse or not.

A water channel isolates the northwest corner where lies a switch to open the northern door. This door opens onto a ledge looking out over the river. Downstream from this ledge is a small room containing a bit of leather armor - a cap and a pair of boots. There are no bones, bloodstains, or other remains in this room to indicate a death occured here. So how did these items get here? Possibly someone was washed here by the river and found it easier to swim back upstream without carrying these items.

Back in the chasm room there is another inclined path leading up from the northeast corner, but that path has collapsed completely. A cunning adventurer may find a way up.

Curiously, there is a giant spider that rarely appears in this room, at the ground floor near the northeast corner. Exactly what triggers this spider to appear remains unknown.


Silver Sapling[edit]



Central Area[edit]

Gray Goblins[edit]

Northern Area[edit]

Great Stair[edit]


Spider Caves[edit]

Pillar Puzzle[edit]

Green Goblins[edit]

Western Area[edit]

Savage Goblins[edit]

Spiral Stair[edit]

Storage Rooms[edit]

Imp Room[edit]

Locations in the Colony of the Great Stygian Abyss
Overview elevation map
Levels firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighthvoid