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Biden, from Ultima Underworld
Species: human
Ultima Underworld
Location: Abyss-Level Four

Biden is a knight of the Knights of the Crux Ansata, found on the fourth level of the Abyss.


Some time before the Avatar arrived on the level, Dorna Ironfist sent Biden to deal with the chaos knight Rodrick. However, Rodrick soundly defeated him, forcing him to retreat, and the Avatar met him while heading towards the Banquet Hall to confront Rodrick. Biden told the Avatar of the battle, how Rodrick had shrugged off blows that should have been lethal, and warned that he was a horrible enemy with whom to deal. Sometime later, the Avatar returned and having confirmed that Rodrick was dead, Biden began slowly heading back towards the enclave of the Knights.

Later, he was rescued by Garamon when the volcano erupted.