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Head Bandit.png
Ree, from Ultima Underworld
Species: human
CollapseUltima Underworld
Location: Abyss-Level Four

Ree is a knight of the Knights of the Crux Ansata, found on the fourth level of the Abyss in Ultima Underworld.


Ree bemoaned how the once great society of the Abyss had fallen, having become depressed over them having dedicated their lives to a work that had ended in failure. He among his bemoaning however also told the Avatar of a powerful golem that, in the past, was used by the knights to test their skill, adding that it was found on an island in a lava stream in the level of the Seers of the Moonstone. The Avatar followed the lead and, after additional information from Nilpont, managed to reclaim the Shield of Valor.

Later, he was rescued by Garamon when the volcano erupted.


Here, you might find Ree. Ree broods about all the knights who have died at my hand, and longs for the "good old days" of Cabirus' time. The Golem, two levels below, occupies much of Ree's attention.