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Ketchaval, from Ultima Underworld
Species: goblin
Ultima Underworld
Location: the first level, Gray Goblins

Ketchaval is the king of the gray goblins living on the first level of the Abyss. He appears in Ultima Underworld.


The Avatar met him after getting by his wife Retichall. Ketchaval had no information about the kidnapped Arial, complaining that he had other worries and lots of enemies surrounding them. Besides his feud with the green goblins, he complained about a horrible wolf spider named "Navrey Night-Eyes", mentioning that her web had special properties - it doesn't burn and it's strong as steel.

Ketchaval also spoke about how the goblins had been invited by Sir Cabirus years ago and that his stupid dream had gotten them into their misery. He cursed the man for this.


Here, you will find Ketchaval, pitiful king of the gray goblins who inhabit the depths. He is the sworn foe of Vernix, king of the green goblins, as though their pathetic internecine conflict were of any importance. He knows a little about the Abyss; mostly, he knows that the charming spider-thing Navrey Night-Eyes has an appetite for his loathsome subjects. He is no danger to travellers who speak courteously to him.


  • Ketchaval will react hostile should the Avatar claim to be a friend of Vernix, the king of the green goblins. Thus one has to claim not to be friends with him or not know him at all.