Axes have been use as a tool of war for many ages on many worlds, appeared in Ultima I, Ultima II, Ultima III, Ultima IV, Ultima V, Ultima VI, Ultima VII, Ultima VII Part Two, and Ultima IX, as well as in Ultima Underworld, Ultima Underworld II, Savage Empire and Martian Dreams.
Since the dawn of civilization, the axe, as its counter-part on Earth has been used to shape, split and cut wood; to harvest timber; and at time of war as a weapon. Although it exist out of different sizes, the base material are mostly the same; metal blades and a wood steel. With exception upon Eodon, were the blades are of stone.
Effectiveness of the Weapon[edit]
- In Ultima I, axes do 3 points of damage in the original version and 24 points of damage in the remake.
- In Ultima II, axes do +6 points of damage.
- In Ultima III, axes do 4-16 points of damage.
- In Ultima IV, axes do 48 points of damage.
- In Savage Empire, axes inflict "good" damage.
- In Martian Dreams, axes inflict "moderate" damage.
- In Ultima Underworld II, axes do a minimum of 4 and maximum of 8 points of damage.
- In Ultima VIII, axes do 6-19 points of damage.
Hand Axes and Hatchets[edit]
Although not designed for warfare, simple hand axes and hatchets may be used as weapons when no better options are available, although they are naturally not as well suited for combat as their weaponized counterparts.
Effectiveness of the Weapon[edit]
Throwing Axes[edit]
- Main article: Throwing axe
Designed to be thrown with one hand, these short hafted axes are designed for ranged combat. While not nearly as damaging as a war axe designed for melee, such weapons can nevertheless be quite effective in the hands of a competent fighter.
Effectiveness of the Weapon[edit]
Battle Axes[edit]
In Ultima Underworld and Ultima Underworld II the battle axes are some of the strongest weapons in the axe class.
Effectiveness of the Weapon[edit]
Two-Handed Axes[edit]
- Main article: Two-handed axe
Normally, axes can be used with a shield or a main gauche, however the use of both hands are required to wield these hefty weapons. The other drawback is the need for sufficient strength, otherwise it is not recommended to use them in battle.
Jeweled Axes[edit]
In Ultima Underworld and Ultima Underworld II the jeweled axes are some of the strongest weapons in the axe class.
Effectiveness of the Weapon[edit]
Magic Axes[edit]
- Main article: Magic axe
A number of axes exist which have been magically enchanted to increase their range or hitting power. Among these number magical throwing axes, which are designed to return to the hands of the their wielder after striking; as well as unique weapons such as the Axe of Fire Doom, the axe of Erinon or the Deceiver.
With a double-sided two foot blade, a warrior wielding a battle axe can really wage war. The axe is a favorite among Tinkers, as many of them are workers of wood and metal.
Among the natives the Nahuatla obsidian-edged sword is considered the 'chief' of weapons, with the widely-used atl-atl, or spear-thrower, as the well-respected 'shaman'. Beyond that, in descending order of worth, we have the large, two-handed club favored by the strongest natives; the hand-thrown spear; the stone axe used by most native warriors; the primitive short-bow used by nearly every tribe for both warfare and hunting; the solid wood club; the rock hammer, a single-handed club; the scalpel – sharp Nahuatla obsidian knife, more practical as a tool than a weapon; and, finally the relatively rare boomerang.
Axes do more damage than swords, but take longer to ready. They are slashing weapons — only the pole axe is effective when thrusting, and no axe can bash very well. The battle axe is the most damaging weapon (excluding enchanted or special weapons).
As a weapon, an axe in one hand is a good match for a sturdy shield in the other. In combat against multiple foes, an axe permits rapid attack without a sacrifice of defensive balance. Combat axes come in many shapes and qualities and are quite effective against weak and untrained opposition, such as barroom thugs and bandits of the highway.
- In Ultima II, an Agility of 19 was required to wield an "ax."
See Also[edit]