Magic axe

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Magic axe

Magic axes are axes that have been enchanted to produce desirable effects in combat, and may bear magics which enhance damage done to a foe or allow thrown axes to magically return to their wielder. Such weapons may be found in Ultima III, Ultima IV, Ultima V, Runes of Virtue, Ultima VII, Ultima Underworld, Ultima Underworld II and Ultima VII Part Two.


Simple magical axes could first be found for sale in Minoc during the quest of the Avatar. These powerful weapons were imbued with additional strength through their enchantments and were also capable of returning to a hand that threw them, making them potent devices for use against distant foes. During the reign of Lord Blackthorn, the standard magical throwing axe ranked amongst the best armaments a warrior could wield in battle.

Effectiveness of the Weapon[edit]

In Ultima III +2 axes do 24-28 points of damage and +4 axes do 4-40 points of damage.
In Ultima IV the magic axe does 96 points of damage and has a reach of ∞.
In Ultima V the magic axe does 20 points of damage and has a reach of 15.
In Ultima VII and Ultima VII Part Two the magic axe does 8 points of damage and has a reach of 16.[1]


Sub article: Locations


+2 Axes +4 Axes[edit]

In archaic Sosaria, during Ultima III, specially enhanced axes could be procured from the mystic city of Dawn, where the weaponsmith offered a "+2 axe" and "+4 axe". These enchanted axes were not throwable weapons, however.[2]

Other Magical Axes[edit]

In addition to the standardized magical throwing axes common to Britannia, a number of unique magical axes have appeared throughout the Ultima series, such as the Axe of Erinon, the Axe of Firedoom, Axe of Life Stealing, and the Deceiver.

See Also[edit]


  1. Hobbs, Sherri G. Ultima VII Part Two Clue Book (Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle). Origin Systems, Inc.: 1993. Page 63.
  2. Note: In the NES-Port of Ultima III, the +2 axe is known as a "Broad Axe," and the +4 axe is replaced with a halberd.

Melee Weapons
Basic Melee Weapons AxeBladed staffClubCustom swordCutlassDaggerDecorative swordDum‑dumHalberdHammerJeweled weaponsKnifeMaceMain gaucheMorning starPoison daggerSaberScimitarSerpentine daggerSerpentine swordSilver swordSpearSpiked helm ☥ Spiked shield ☥ StaffSwordTwo‑handed axeTwo‑handed hammerTwo‑handed sword
Enhanced Melee Weapons Blackrock swordExotic WeaponsFire swordGlass swordGreat daggerLightning swordLightning whipMagic swordMystic WeaponsSword of defense
CollapseRanged Weapons
Basic Ranged Weapons BlowgunBoomerangBowCrossbowIolo’s bowFlaming oilHawkMusketSiege bowSlingThrowing axeTriple crossbow
Enhanced Ranged Weapons Anachronistic weaponsFire wandInfinity bowLightning wandLightning whipMagic axeMagic boomerangMagic bowMagician’s wandStarbursts
Basic Ammuntion AmmunitionArrowsBoltsCannonballsSling stones
Enhanced Ammuntion Burst arrowsFire arrowsLove arrowsLucky arrowsMagic arrowsMagic boltsMana arrowsSerpent arrowsSleep arrows
Non-traditional Weapons
Non-traditional Weapons CannonCleaverDeath scytheFellowship staffFishing rodHammerHoeHoe of DestructionPickPitchforkPowder kegRakeRock hammer ☥ Rolling pin ☥ ScytheShearsShovelTongsTorchesWhip
Other Weapons Weapons in Savage EmpireWeapons in Martian DreamsGlovesRope & spikes
Specific Weapons
Specific Enchanted Weapons Axe of Fire DoomAxe of Life StealingBlade of StrikingBone CrusherCudgel of EntryCrook of CharmingDeceiverErinon’s axeFiredoom staffFlame StingFrost swordGringoletHammer of DedicationJuggernaut hammerMace of Undead BaneMagebaneProtectorKorghin’s FangScimitar of Khumash‑GorSlayerSword of Poison WeaponSword of Stone StrikeStaff of the DeadWar Bow of Blood
Other Items Black swordCaliburnOphidian swordPractice swordQuickswordSerpent artifactsSerpent Staff