Erinon's axe is a weapon of ancient times, thought lost in the War of Imbalance long, long ago.
The axe is known not only for being a strong weapon, but also for the power to significantly raise the user's combat ability; even the most clumsy warrior can use it to great effect. The weapon was once thought lost, but time travel through the Amulet of Balance revealed the truth. The Avatar took it into the present time, thus returning this weapon to the world. It appears in Ultima VII Part Two.
During the Silver Seed quest, Erinon's axe can be found in Aram-Dol’s lair in a chest, once the liche has been dealt with. Giving this weapon to the weakest party member can truly pay off; Gwenno or Petra, who do not have much experience when they join the party, both make excellent choices.
This powerful weapon increases your combat ability by ten points. Its damage is 20 and it has a reach of 4. (It can not be thrown.) The axe automatically equips to your right hand if you are not holding anything else in that hand.
- In game mechanics, the axe raises the Combat stat +10.
See Also[edit]