Ultima Underworld Special Items Tables

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This page lists all the inventory items in Ultima Underworld with special properties.


The Ultima Underworld game engine has 512 slots for in-game objects. Less than 461 of those are actual in-game objects. Every base object has 11 bytes of data stored in the comobj.dat file. Certain objects have additional data stored in tables in the objects.dat file. This page is a repository of most of those tables. The notable exception is for critters, which get their own page.


  • Data on this page was retrieved from the game engine's data files. Data has not officially been published and has been deciphered by observation. Information may have been read/intrepreted incorrectly.
  • The value parameter is not understood. This is not the value that Shak appraises things at. It may be an internal value used for NPCs trading items.
  • An object with a durability of 255 is indestructable

Melee Weapons[edit]

Icon Name Mass Value Damage Charge Type Durability
Slash Bash Stab Best Min Speed Max
UW1HandAxe.png hand axe 2.4 20 6 4 2 6 90 25 160 axe 10
UW1BattleAxe.png battle axe 4 60 14 7 2 14 70 5 220 axe 34
UW1Axe.png axe 3.2 100 10 6 8 10 80 13 190 axe 25
UW1Dagger.png dagger 0.8 20 4 2 5 5 100 30 145 sword 5
UW1Shortsword.png shortsword 1.6 50 6 3 6 6 90 20 170 sword 18
UW1Longsword.png longsword 2.4 80 10 4 8 10 80 15 190 sword 28
UW1Broadsword.png broadsword 3.2 100 13 6 10 13 70 9 205 sword 34
UW1Cudgel.png cudgel 1.6 15 3 6 2 6 95 20 145 mace 2
UW1LightMace.png light mace 2.4 55 6 10 4 10 85 15 175 mace 15
UW1Mace.png mace 3.2 90 8 16 5 16 75 9 190 mace 25
Caliburn.png shiny sword 3.4 0 14 7 11 14 70 11 190 sword 255
UW1JeweledAxe.png jeweled axe 3.2 250 13 8 5 13 75 8 200 axe 255
UW1BlackSword.png black sword 3.6 200 15 7 12 15 60 5 200 sword 255
UW1JeweledSword.png jeweled sword 2.8 250 14 7 11 14 70 11 190 sword 255
UW1JeweledMace.png jeweled mace 2.8 250 9 17 5 17 65 6 220 mace 255
UW1Fist.png fist 0 0 2 4 3 4 90 15 140 unarmed 255


  • The fist has a graphic that is used internally but never shown in-game
  • The Best Damage column isn't in the game, it is here to show the best of the three damage types for easy comparison of weapons
  • The exact calculation for weapon charge speed isn't known, but generally the higher the value the faster the charge. Notice the battle axe at 5 and dagger at 30


  • The dagger's strongest attack is stab, the shortsword's slash and stab are its equally strongest attacks. No other weapon has stab as its strongest attack.
  • The fist does indeed have all three attack types, although the POV animations are the same for all three.
  • Slash is the strongest attack for all axes and all swords except the dagger.
  • Bash is the strongest attack for all the maces and the fist.
  • The artifact sword is the same as the jeweled sword, just heavier.
  • The jexeled mace is the top tier of the maces and the highest damaging weapon of the game, but the jeweled sword and axe are not the the highest of their categories.
  • If starting the game with a character without a weapon skill, which weapon to pick? The tier one weapons (cudgel, hand axe, shortsword) all can do 6 points of damage, but the hand axe is the fastest. The tier two weapons (axe, light mace, longsword) can all do 10 points of damage, but the axe is the slowest.
  • The jeweled sword is agruably the best weapon in the game. It does just slightly less damage than the black sword, but it's slightly lighter and more than twice as fast. The mace does slightly more damage at almost the same speed, but the jeweled sword is both lighter and industructable. The jewled mace does the most damage but it's nearly twice as slow.
  • The jeweled sword has a durability of 255, but it is damagable when used against doors. Perhaps 255 just means industructable in normal combat? Some more testing is required to make some conclusions.

Ranged Weapons & Projectiles[edit]

Icon Name Mass Value Ammo Durability
UW1SlingStone.png sling stone 0.1 1
UW1CrossbowBolt.png crossbow bolt 0.2 4
UW1Arrow.png arrow 0.1 2
UW1Stone.png stone 0.4 0
UW1Sling.png sling 0.4 10 sling stone
UW1Bow.png bow 1.2 50 arrow
UW1Crossbow.png crossbow 2.4 70 crossbow bolt
UW1JeweledBow.png jeweled bow 1.6 150 arrow


  • As of this writing the file formats document contains missing and incorrect information on how to read data about this item category, thus the data present here is limited
  • All projectiles (such as fireballs and acid blobs) are listed in this table but since they aren't obtainable by the player they are not included on this page.


  • The stone item is declared in this table but doesn't appear to be used anywhere in the game

Armour & Wearables[edit]

Icon Name Mass Value Protection Durability Slot
UW1LeatherVest.png leather vest 2 20 2 8 chest
UW1MailShirt.png mail shirt 4 45 4 22 chest
UW1Breastplate.png breastplate 8 70 6 34 chest
UW1LeatherLeggings.png leather leggings 1.6 15 2 4 legs
UW1MailLeggings.png mail leggings 3.2 35 4 12 legs
UW1PlateLeggings.png plate leggings 6.4 60 6 20 legs
UW1LeatherGloves.png leather gloves 0.8 10 1 2 hands
UW1ChainGauntlets.png chain gauntlets 1.2 20 3 9 hands
UW1PlateGauntlets.png plate gauntlets 1.6 30 5 15 hands
UW1LeatherBoots.png leather boots 1.2 12 1 3 feet
UW1ChainBoots.png chain boots 1.6 25 3 10 feet
UW1PlateBoots.png plate boots 2 40 5 17 feet
UW1LeatherCap.png leather cap 0.8 15 2 6 head
UW1ChainCowl.png chain cowl 1.2 30 4 15 head
UW1Helmet.png helmet 1.6 50 6 24 head
UW1DragonSkinBoots.png pair of dragon skin boots 3.2 150 3 255 feet
UW1Crown1.png crown 0.4 90 0 255 head
UW1Crown2.png crown 1.6 120 0 255 head
UW1Crown3.png crown 1.6 120 0 255 head
UW1IronRing.png iron ring 0.1 0 0 255 ring
ShieldValor.png shiny shield 4.8 0 3 255 none
UW1GoldRing.png gold ring 0.1 60 0 255 ring
UW1SilverRing.png silver ring 0.1 40 0 255 ring
UW1RedRing.png red ring 0.1 25 0 255 ring
UW1TowerShield.png tower shield 4.8 50 3 30 none
UW1WoodenShield.png wooden shield 2.8 35 1 5 none
UW1SmallShield.png small shield 2.2 20 2 17 none
UW1Buckler.png buckler 2.8 15 1 9 none
UW1JeweledShield.png jeweled shield 5.2 150 2 255 none
Full Suit Comparison Table
Material Mass Protection
Leather 6.4 8
Chain 11.2 18
Plate 19.6 28


  • the Slot tells where on the paperdoll to equip the item. Since shields don't go on the paperdoll, they go in an equipment slot alongside the doll, their slot is "none"


  • There are 2 points of protection of difference between the leather, chain, and plate armour pieces.
  • Unenchanted rings and crowns offer no armor protection.
  • Dragonskin boots are much heavier than plate boots but offer only chain boots level of protection.
  • The buckler offers the same protection as the wooden shield and the same weight, but almost twice the durability and less than half the value.
  • Ths small shield not only offers better protection than the wooden shield and the buckler, but it's also lighter than them.
  • The jeweled shield is not the highest tier shield.
  • The jeweled shield offers the same protection as the small shield but with more than double the weight.
  • The artifact shield is the same as the tower shield, just indestructable.


Icon Name Mass Value Capacity Cap/Mass Restriction
UW1Sack.png sack 0.2 4 12.5 62.5
UW1Pack.png pack 0.4 8 25 62.5
UW1Box.png box 0.6 6 12.5 20.833
UW1Pouch.png pouch 0.1 3 2 20
UW1MapCase.png map case 0.1 3 3 30 scrolls
UW1GoldCoffer.png gold coffer 1.2 40 12.5 10.417
UW1Urn.png urn 1.2 5 20 16.667
UW1Quiver.png quiver 0.8 10 0 ammo
UW1Bowl.png bowl 0.4 3 5 12.5 food
UW1RuneBag.png rune bag 0.4 0 0 runes


  • The capacity/Mass ratio isn't stored in-game, it's provided in this table for convience
  • The urn is defined in this table although it can't be picked up. The other containers that can't be picked up are the chest, barrel, and couldren, and they are not defined in this table.


  • The Pack has the best capacity and also the best ratio of capacity to weight.
  • The sack, box, and gold coffer have the same capacity, but different weights.
  • If the value field is for bartering, it's strange that these items have values, as containers can't be bartered.

Light Sources[edit]

Icon Name Mass Value Duration Brightness
UW1Lantern.png lantern 0.6 30 10 4
UW1Torch.png torch 0.2 5 3 2
UW1Candle.png candle 0.1 2 12 1
UW1Taper.png taper 0.4 1 0 3
Spells for reference
Spell Brightness
Light 3
Magic Lantern 4
Night Vision 5
Daylight 7


  • Light spell brightnesses aren't know for sure, values here are guessed based on observation


  • Although documentation says the the light spell emits lights similar to a torch, it is actualy a step brighter, similar to the taper.

Food Items[edit]

Icon Name Mass Value Nutrition Nut/Mass
UW1Meat.png piece of meat 0.7 4 64 91
UW1Bread.png loaf of bread 0.5 3 16 32
UW1Cheese.png piece of cheese 0.2 2 12 60
UW1Apple.png apple 0.1 2 6 60
UW1Corn.png ear of corn 0.1 2 25 250
UW1Bread2.png loaf of bread 0.4 2 12 30
UW1Fish.png fish 1 3 48 48
UW1Popcorn.png bunch of popcorn 0.1 1 2 20
UW1Mushroom.png mushroom 0.2 1 0 0
UW1Toadstool.png toadstool 0.2 1 6 30
UW1Ale.png bottle of ale 0.4 5 253
UW1RedPotion.png red potion 0.3 20 129
UW1GreenPotion.png green potion 0.3 20 129
UW1WaterBottle.png bottle of water 0.4 3 255
UW1Port.png flask of port 0.4 5 248
UW1Wine.png bottle of wine 0.4 0 0


  • The Nutrition/Mass ratio isn't stored in game, it's provided in this table for convinience of comparison. Ratios for beverages weren't provided because the numbers don't seem to be correct.
  • The beverages all have a high nutrition value, over 128. It's possible that the high bit of this byte is a flag for some special handling.
  • There are a few more ediable items, such as the plants (with and without red berries) and the rotworm stew, that are not in this table. Their nutrition values are unknown at this time.


  • The ear of corn has by far the highest nutrition to weight ratio, and loses it significantly when changed to popcorn

Treasure Items[edit]

Icon Name Mass Value Value
UW1Coin.png coin 0.1 3 0
UW1GoldCoin.png gold coin 0.4 3 2
UW1Ruby.png ruby 0.1 25 4
UW1RedGem.png red gem 0.1 15 5
UW1SmallBlueGem.png small blue gem 0.1 20 1
UW1LargeBlueGem.png large blue gem 0.1 30 7
UW1Sapphire.png sapphire 0.1 40 6
UW1Emerald.png emerald 0.1 35 0
UW1Amulet.png amulet 0.4 60 0
UW1Goblet.png goblet 0.8 50 0
UW1Sceptre.png sceptre 1.2 50 0
UW1GoldChain.png gold chain 0.8 75 0
UW1GoldPlate.png gold plate 1.6 100 0
UW1AnkhPendant.png ankh pendant 0 25 0
CupWonder.png shiny cup 0 0 0
UW1LargeGoldNugget.png large gold nugget 1.6 50 0


  • It is unclear what this new value category is used for


  • It's interesting that the coin and gold coin have the same value, and the gold coin is 4x as heavy