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The common sword

A sword is a bladed weapon used for cutting or thrusting in combat. Common on virtually every world, these weapons have appeared in Ultima I, Ultima II, Ultima III, Ultima IV, Ultima V, Ultima VI, Ultima VII, Ultima VII Part Two, Ultima VIII, and Ultima IX, as well as in Ultima Underworld, Ultima Underworld II, Savage Empire and Martian Dreams.


Swords of some variety or another have been in use since before the first Age of Darkness, and have persisted in popularity through to the last days of the Avatar. A formidable weapon, especially when used in conjunction with a shield, the sword is the workhorse of warriors across numerous realms, and has long been a staple piece of equipment amongst fighters and adventurers.

Effectiveness of the Weapon[edit]

In Ultima IV a sword has a damage rating of "64" and can be used by all professions except mages and druids.
In Ultima V a sword has a damage rating of "15".
In Ultima VI a sword has a damage rating of "15".
In Ultima VII and Ultima VII Part Two, a simple one-handed sword has a damage of "6" and a reach of "2".[1]
In Ultima VIII, a sword causes between 4–12 points of damage.[2]
In Ultima IX, a short sword does between 1–5 points of damage, whilst a broadsword does between 35–45 points of damage and a long sword does between 40–60 points of damage.[3]


Two-Handed Swords[edit]

Main article: Two-handed sword

For those with the muscle to wield one, a two-handed sword (or greatsword) can prove a fearsome weapon – with its intimidating bulk dealing nearly twice the amount of damage per blow as a simple short sword. True to their name, such blades require the use of both hands to wield effectively, and thus may not be used in conjunction with shields.

Sabers, Scimitars and Cutlasses[edit]

Main articles: saber, scimitar, cutlass

Differing traditions of sword-smithing have led to a variety of blades designs being prevalent in different cultures throughout the multiverse, and an assortment of curved blade styles atypical of Britannian weapons frequently appear on worlds such as Pagan and Earth, as well as throughout the realm's somewhat separate pirate culture. It is uncertain if the curved edge to these swords gives them any benefit over a standard short sword in battle, although those who make use of them certainly do not seem at a disadvantage in combat.

Obsidian Swords[edit]

Main article: Obsidian sword

The Nahuatla of Eodon, much like their Nahua cousins on Earth, made use of club-like swords whose edges are lined with volcanic glass to give them a cutting edge. These obsidian swords, similar to the Aztec maquahuih, were amongst the more refined pieces of martial technology in the valley, and could be purchased from the weaponsmith Atlipacta for three emeralds each.

Decorative Swords[edit]

Main article: Decorative sword

Given the prominence of the sword as an icon of war, adventure and heroism, many blades have been worked with features designed to be purely aesthetic, such as custom metalwork, serpentine blade patterns, jeweled embellishments, or the use of precious metals. Such additions, of course, being artistic in nature seldom do much to add to a sword's efficiency in battle, and at times, may even prove a hindrance to a weapon's functionality.

Ceremonial Swords[edit]

Swords are prevalent in symbolism, and some swords have taken on a ceremonial function, such as the iconic Caliburn which stood for a time as a living emblem of Justice; or the Ophidian sword which was used in the ritualistic slaughter of the Great Earth Serpent's statue upon Sunrise Isle. Such blades' power lies not only in their strength in battle, but also in their value as ritual or symbolic items.

Magic Swords[edit]

Main article: Magic sword

There are innumerable swords which have been enchanted to increase their potency or accuracy in battle or which have been magically enhanced to some other effect. Such swords may have a wide range of effects, ranging from a slight edge in combat to the ability to strike foes dead with spectral fire.


Main article: Sosarian magic

During the first Age of Darkness, there existed a rare subset of magical sword which was said to enhance the wielder's magic. Though devastating in melee combat as well, these triangle-shaped blades mysteriously vanished after the fall of Mondain.

Swords in Symbolism[edit]

Being amongst the most iconic weapons of war, swords often have come to stand as symbols of virility and masculine power. This archetypal image of the sword as a source of strength played into the Avatar's dreams on the distant world of Mars – where the hero would often envision swords as a manifestation of desires to attain physical prowess. Sigmund Freud, who numbered among the explorers of the red planet, would explain to the hero that to reach toward these swords would be indicative of their achievement of greater strength.


Ah, a true fighter’s weapon. Four feet of wicked, blue steel will strike fear into the heart of any opponent. The sword is an automatic favorite among Fighters.
Swords continue to be the most popular weapon. There are long and short swords, and two-handed swords.
Despite their name, short swords are formidable weapons — a good thing, for only the strongest adventurers can wield the hefty two-handed swords. Always examine a sword closely before buying it, paying particular attention to its weight and the force with which it will deliver a blow.
Edged weapons such as a sword must be handled with precision—it is usually not enough to simply contact one’s opponent. The skilled combatant knows how to use the cutting edge of his weapon to its greatest advantage.
Swords are very useful, as blade slices through skin quite easy. The main drawback, it appears, is that armour is very effective protection against them.
As far as I can see, many of these weapon types do overlap. Most swords can cut and pierce; a two-handed sword can bludgeon and cut; an arrow is a piercing missile weapon; and a slung rock is a bludgeoning projectile.
The first weapon of an acolyte of war, a lively broadsword can afford protection and respect without landing a single blow. The weapon of choice in Britannia, a broadsword can be found as an ornament dangling from the belt of many an untrained dandy. As such, a trained warrior can gird himself with it and surprise the fool who would test him.


See Also[edit]


  1. Hobbs, Sherri G. Ultima VII Part Two Clue Book (Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle). Origin Systems, Inc.: 1993. Page 63.
  2. Mead, Melissa. "Armor and Weapons". Ultima VIII Clue Book (Ultima VIII: Pagan). Origin Systems: 1994. Pages 28–33.
  3. McCubbin, Chris et al. "Weapons". Ultima IX Strategy Guide (Ultima IX: Ascension). Prima Publishing: 1999. Pages 56–61.

CollapseMelee Weapons
Basic Melee Weapons AxeBladed staffClubCustom swordCutlassDaggerDecorative swordDum‑dumHalberdHammerJeweled weaponsKnifeMaceMain gaucheMorning starPoison daggerSaberScimitarSerpentine daggerSerpentine swordSilver swordSpearSpiked helm ☥ Spiked shield ☥ StaffSwordTwo‑handed axeTwo‑handed hammerTwo‑handed sword
Enhanced Melee Weapons Blackrock swordExotic WeaponsFire swordGlass swordGreat daggerLightning swordLightning whipMagic swordMystic WeaponsSword of defense
Ranged Weapons
Basic Ranged Weapons BlowgunBoomerangBowCrossbowIolo’s bowFlaming oilHawkMusketSiege bowSlingThrowing axeTriple crossbow
Enhanced Ranged Weapons Anachronistic weaponsFire wandInfinity bowLightning wandLightning whipMagic axeMagic boomerangMagic bowMagician’s wandStarbursts
Basic Ammuntion AmmunitionArrowsBoltsCannonballsSling stones
Enhanced Ammuntion Burst arrowsFire arrowsLove arrowsLucky arrowsMagic arrowsMagic boltsMana arrowsSerpent arrowsSleep arrows
Non-traditional Weapons
Non-traditional Weapons CannonCleaverDeath scytheFellowship staffFishing rodHammerHoeHoe of DestructionPickPitchforkPowder kegRakeRock hammer ☥ Rolling pin ☥ ScytheShearsShovelTongsTorchesWhip
Other Weapons Weapons in Savage EmpireWeapons in Martian DreamsGlovesRope & spikes
Specific Weapons
Specific Enchanted Weapons Axe of Fire DoomAxe of Life StealingBlade of StrikingBone CrusherCudgel of EntryCrook of CharmingDeceiverErinon’s axeFiredoom staffFlame StingFrost swordGringoletHammer of DedicationJuggernaut hammerMace of Undead BaneMagebaneProtectorKorghin’s FangScimitar of Khumash‑GorSlayerSword of Poison WeaponSword of Stone StrikeStaff of the DeadWar Bow of Blood
Other Items Black swordCaliburnOphidian swordPractice swordQuickswordSerpent artifactsSerpent Staff