Agility or Dexterity is an attribute that allows a player to dodge attacks in combat, but may also determine which weapons can be wielded.
The Attribute[edit]
Dexterity in general determines if the blow against the enemy actually hits - in later games especially important for missile weapons- as well as the chance to evade an enemy strike entirely or partially. In later games Dexterity also determines how many attacks a chracter has in a round, high Dexterity raising the fequency of attacks against the enemy.
Ultima I[edit]
Each point in Agility gives an additive +1% chance to hit with weapon attacks, added to a base chance of 50%. That means with an Agility of 50, every strike will hit the enemy, making battles much easier. It also reduces the attempts of Iolo and the Jester to steal, by 1/256 chance per point (base chance is 50%). In turn, it does raise the chance to steal successfully. Agility is raised by visiting the Pillars of Protection. This only works when being told by the respective king, and after the first visit by first visiting a different sign post before getting the quest again.
An Elf gets a bonus of +5 on this stat, while a Thief and a Fighter gain +10 each.
Agility can be risen up to 99.
Since it is highly annoying when your strikes miss, a high Agility is very important.
Ultima II[edit]
Agility is used to determine which weapon can be wielded, the chance to hit the enemy and the chance to steal successfully. The exact formula is not known, but the higher the Agility, the better the chance to hit an enemy and not to be caught when stealing.
Agility can be risen up to 99.
The minimum Agility requirements for the weapons are as follows (note that minimum Agility is 10):
Min. Agility | |
Hand | 1 |
Dagger | 9 |
Mace | 11 |
Axe | 19 |
Bow | 21 |
Sword | 29 |
Great sword | 31 |
Light sword | 39 |
Phaser | 41 |
Quicksword | 49 |
Elves start with +5 Agility and Thieves gain +10. The stat can be raised by bribing the Clerk in the Hotel California in New San Antonio. The Ultima II Upgrade Patch is required so that the number does not roll over. The stat is very important, since not only is not hitting the enemy frustrating, but stealing is highly important in this game (like for getting lots of food), and you have to use the better wepons or you can't win the game.
Ultima III[edit]
Suprisingly, Dexterity does not factor into the evasion rate (which armour does). Instead, Dexterity solely determines if the enemy is hit during combat, if a spell is successfully cast and if an attempt at disabling a trap (traps are only in chests) is successful or not. The exact formulas for those are not known. For thievery, the stat can be substituted with the spell Appar Unem, but for battle it is absolutely needed.
Due to the many fields this stat touches, all characters need high Dexterity to flourish.
Dexterity can be raised at the fitting magic shrine on Ambrosia by donating money (and lots of it). Only Fuzzies and Elves can reach the maximum of 99. Humans and Dwarves have a maximum of 75, while Bobbits are stuck at 50.
Ultima IV[edit]
In this game, Dexterity solely determines the hit chances of the character and the enemies. The formula for a chracter hit chances are as follows:
- With 0 DEX a character has a 50% chance to hit with each point of DEX adding about 0.4%, granting a probability of about 65% at 39 DEX. Then at 40 there is a sudden jump to a 100% chance to hit.
Dexterity can be risen up to 50. Though considering what is said above, a chracter with 40 Dexterity is just as good as one with 50.
In order to raise Dexterity, characters have to touch special magic orbs in the dungeons. Orbs which raise Dexterity are found in the dungeons of Despise, Wrong, Covetous and Hythloth, and each raises Dexterity by +5 (though the latter three also raise other stats as well). However they also respecively cause 200, 400, 400 and 600 points of damage, thus they have to be used with caution.
Ultima V[edit]
In this game, Dexterity now not only as usual determines the hit and evade chances, but high Dexterity also ensures that a character has several turns in a combat round before the enemy can act. Considering that the magic axe is the best wepon in the game, having high Dexterity is a top priority. Sadly, the formulas are unknown.
Dexterity can be risen up to 30.
In order to raise Dexterity, characters have to reach a new level and then camp for the maximum amount of hours during the night. Some luck is needed, but if Lord British appears over the camp fire, he raises the character's stats by +3. However, the stat is randomly selected, so more luck is needed to get the correct stat raise.
Ultima VI[edit]
In this game, Dexterity not only as usual determines the hit and evade chances, but high Dexterity also ensures that a character has several turns in a combat round before the enemy can act. Additionally, many missile wepons require a good Dexterity score, or they will never connect with the target (or hit your own party) or do less than optimal damage. The same goes for melee weapons that require finesse instead of brute strength.
This makes it an important stat. Sadly, the formulas are unknown.
Dexterity can be risen up to 30.
In order to raise Dexterity, characters have to reach a new level and then meditated at a freed shrine of virtue with the correct mantra. The Shrine of Compassion raises Dexterity by +3, while the Shrine of Justice, Shrine of Sacrifice and Shrine of Spirituality do so by only +1 (but in turn raise other stats as well).
Savage Empire[edit]
In this game, Dexterity not only as usual determines the hit and evade chances, but high Dexterity also ensures that a character has several turns in a combat round before the enemy can act. Additionally, many missile wepons require a good Dexterity score, or they will never connect with the target (or hit your own party) or do less than optimal damage. The same goes for melee weapons that require finesse instead of brute strength.
This makes it an important stat. Sadly, the formulas are unknown.
Dexterity can be risen up to 30.
In order to raise Dexterity, characters have to reach a new level and sleep during the night. In the following dream, the bear has to be chosen.
Martian Dreams[edit]
In this game, Dexterity not only as usual determines the hit and evade chances, but high Dexterity also ensures that a character has several turns in a combat round before the enemy can act. Additionally, many missile wepons require a good Dexterity score, or they will never connect with the target (or hit your own party) or do less than optimal damage. The same goes for melee weapons that require finesse instead of brute strength.
This makes it an important stat. Sadly, the formulas are unknown.
Dexterity can be risen up to 30.
In order to raise Dexterity, characters have to reach a new level and sleep during the night. In the following dream, the sword has to be chosen.
Ultima Underworld[edit]
Dexterity, together with the attack and weapon skills, determines the hit chances, and with the defense skill the evading chances. The exact formulas for those calculations sadly are not known. It also figures in several other skills such as lockpicking or repairing items. Nonetheless, you can easily get away with a mediocre Dexterity as long as the skills are trained properly.
See Character creation in the Underworld games to see how exactly the Dexterity stat is created for each class during character creation. Dexterity can not be raised at all after the character generation, only the connected skills, thus care has to be taken to get the desired result at creation.
Maximum Dexterity is 30. The minimum is 12.
Ultima VII[edit]
In this game, Dexterity determines the attack speed and lockpicking skill - but only indirectly the hit chances, since Dexterity now is a factor for the attribute called Combat, which is battle ability and in return directly determines how well the character can hit the enemy with strikes or use missile wepaons properly without hitting the own party. Combat is raised by training Dexterity, but can also be trained directly. The formula for this is somewhat complicated and described under Training in Ultima VII.
Dexterity can be risen up to 30.
For training, training points are required, which are gained when reaching a new level. The trainers raising Dexterity and Combat are found in the link above. However, training should mainly concentrate on the companions, since the Avatar can gain maximum Dexterity and Combat in the quest of Love in The Forge of Virtue. You can get away with not optimal combat skills in this game as well, as long as it isn't too low. A certain base score is required, however.
Ultima Underworld II[edit]
Dexterity, together with the attack and weapon skills, determines the hit chances, and with the defense skill the evading chances. The exact formulas for those calculations sadly are not known. It also figures in several other skills such as lockpicking or repairing items. Nonetheless, you can easily get away with a mediocre Dexterity as long as the skills are trained properly.
See Character creation in the Underworld games to see how exactly the Dexterity stat is created for each class during character creation. Dexterity can not be raised at all after the character generation, only the connected skills, thus care has to be taken to get the desired result at creation.
Maximum Dexterity is 30. The minimum is 12.
Ultima VII Part Two[edit]
In this game, Dexterity determines the attack speed and lockpicking skill - but only indirectly the hit chances, since Dexterity now is a factor for the attribute called Combat, which is battle ability and in return directly determines how well the character can hit the enemy with strikes or use missile wepaons properly without hitting the own party. Combat is raised by training Dexterity, but can also be trained directly. The formula for this is somewhat complicated and described under Training in Ultima VII.
Dexterity can be risen up to 30.
For training, training points are required, which are gained when reaching a new level. The trainers raising Dexterity and Combat are found in the link above. You can get away with not optimal combat skills in this game as well, as long as it isn't too low. A certain base score is required, however.
Ultima VIII[edit]
Dexterity mainly covers the speed of the Avatar's attacks and how accurate the hero is at throwing things. While it determines if a hit connects, the fequency of attacks makes that a rather academic function. Sadly, none of the formulas are known at the moment.
Dexterity can be risen up to 25.
Training is generally done by fighting or simply swinging your weapon (though that is less effective). Jumping around a lot also helps. Dexterity is not too important, since it is better to avoid fighting the stronger enemies in the first place.
Ultima IX[edit]
Dexterity in this game is measured in four steps: Clumsy, Nimble, Proficient and Adept. Dexterity solely determines the number of weapon techniques the Avatar can learn. Corresponding with the four Dexterity levels there are four weapon techniques for each weapon category. The Avatar knows the first and with each level of Dexterity, one new technique can be learned. The stat can be raised after cleasing a shrine, though a Shepherd possibly can't reach the highest level.
Dexterity is the most important stat, since while most of the weapon techniques are not too important, without maximum Dexterity it's impossible to learn the best bow technique from Iolo, and without it some later sections of the game will be very difficult.
See Also[edit]
Character Stats | |
The Main Attibutes | Strength ☥ Dexterity ☥ Intelligence |
Past Attibutes | Charisma ☥ Stamina ☥ Wisdom |