M60 machine gun

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Creating the M60

The M60 machine gun is a truly fearsome weapon. A 7.62mm belt-fed machine of death, it was used in the last quarter of the 20th century on Earth. It appears in Martian Dreams.


When the Avatar confronted the evil Raxachk in the Dream-World, the villain had shielded himself from harm with a crystal barrier. He gloated that thanks to his psychometric powers he knew of all the weapons mankind was able to create, after analyzing all objects of the expeditions. His barrier was specifically made to protect against exactly these weapons.

However, the overconfident martian did not know that the Avatar came from 100 years in the future, and therefore knew of much more powerful weapons. The Avatar used Dreamstuff to create an M60 machine gun and, with it, easily penetrated the barrier, shooting Raxachk to pieces.


Thank goodness for modern weaponry. I don't think that anything smaller than that M60 would have hurt the maniacal Martian. While killing intelligent creatures should never be the purpose of a hero, I believe (and I support him in this) that the Avatar felt justified in this case, knowing that the fate of the rest of the Martian race, and possibly the human race also, depended on the return of that fuel and the permanent retirement of this madman.


  • The M60 has unlimited ammunition.
  • While Raxachk boasts that humans could not develop weapons powerful enough to pierce his dome "in at least a hundred years", the M60 was actually introduced in 1957.

See Also[edit]

External Link[edit]

Melee Weapons
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Enhanced Melee Weapons Blackrock swordExotic WeaponsFire swordGlass swordGreat daggerLightning swordLightning whipMagic swordMystic WeaponsSword of defense
Ranged Weapons
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Enhanced Ranged Weapons Anachronistic weaponsFire wandInfinity bowLightning wandLightning whipMagic axeMagic boomerangMagic bowMagician’s wandStarbursts
Basic Ammuntion AmmunitionArrowsBoltsCannonballsSling stones
Enhanced Ammuntion Burst arrowsFire arrowsLove arrowsLucky arrowsMagic arrowsMagic boltsMana arrowsSerpent arrowsSleep arrows
Non-traditional Weapons
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Specific Weapons
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