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A dagger

Daggers are a knives designed for use in combat. Common on numerous worlds, they appear in Akalabeth, Ultima I, Ultima II, Ultima III, Ultima IV, Ultima V, Ultima VI, Ultima VII, Ultima VII Part Two, Ultima VIII, and Ultima IX, as well as in Ultima Underworld and Ultima Underworld II.


Daggers have been in use in Sosaria since before the Age of Darkness and persisted in Britannia until the end of the Avatar's days in the realm. A simple and inexpensive weapon, these blades have long been used as a thrusting weapon in close combat, although they may also be thrown at range by a skilled combatant.

Effectiveness of the Weapon[edit]

In Ultima I, the dagger does 1 point of damage in the original version and 8 points of damage in the remake.
In Ultima II, the dagger does +2 points of damage.
In Ultima III, the dagger does 4–7 points of damage and has a reach of ∞.
In Ultima IV, the dagger does 24 points of damage and has a reach of ∞.
In Ultima V, the dagger does 6 points of damage and has a reach of 3.
In Ultima VI, the dagger does 6 points of damage.
In Ultima Underworld II, the daggers does a minimum of 2 points of damage and a maximum of 3.
In Ultima VII and Ultima VII Part Two, a basic dagger has a damage of 1 and a reach of 2.[1]
In Ultima VIII, a dagger does between 3–9 points of damage.[2]


Symbolic and Ceremonial Daggers[edit]

Daggers have long featured in a number of ritualistic traditions on Earth, and this affinity is echoed in some Britannian and Serpent Islander cultures, where daggers could often be found in magical ceremonies requiring blood sacrifice. Amongst the ancient Ophidians, daggers, like swords were worked with a serpentine pattern, and were used religiously to represent the concept of Discipline. The Necromancers of Pagan used a ritual dagger in order to send people to Lithos in a complicated ceremony.

Poison Daggers[edit]

Main article: Poison dagger

During the early Age of Armageddon, envenomed daggers constructed out of the teeth of poisonous sea serpents became a popular tool amongst assassins – as these mundane weapons could inject their targets with venom sufficient to cause death.[3]

Magic Daggers[edit]

A variety of enchanted and magical daggers may be found on various worlds throughout the multiverse. These may range from common utilitarian blades such as the practical great dagger[3] to special and singular weapons such as Korghin's Fang.


Ten inches of beautifully worked steel make the standard Britannian dagger. The traditional basket hilt looks very functional. A favorite weapon of novices.
Daggers offer two choices. The common dagger is useful when its ability to be concealed is a benefit; and it can be thrown in open combat. The main gauche is more formidable, especially when used as a second weapon.
Useful for stabbing and cutting in close-quarter fighting or throwing in long range combat, the dagger is a most convenient and lightweight weapon to keep on hand.
Generally, the smaller and lighter a weapon is, the easier it is to conceal and quicker it is with which to strike. It is not by accident that the simple dagger is the weapon of choice for many an assassin.
Daggers, axes, torches and spears can also be effective as improvised missile weapons.
– from The Book of Fellowship (Ultima VII: The Black Gate)
Daggers can be readied swiftly, but do only light damage. Daggers are best used as thrusting weapons, while other swords excel at slashing.


  • In Ultima II, an Agility of 10 was required to wield a dagger.
  • Daggers first appear as a throwable weapon in Ultima III.


See Also[edit]


CollapseMelee Weapons
Basic Melee Weapons AxeBladed staffClubCustom swordCutlassDaggerDecorative swordDum‑dumHalberdHammerJeweled weaponsKnifeMaceMain gaucheMorning starPoison daggerSaberScimitarSerpentine daggerSerpentine swordSilver swordSpearSpiked helm ☥ Spiked shield ☥ StaffSwordTwo‑handed axeTwo‑handed hammerTwo‑handed sword
Enhanced Melee Weapons Blackrock swordExotic WeaponsFire swordGlass swordGreat daggerLightning swordLightning whipMagic swordMystic WeaponsSword of defense
Ranged Weapons
Basic Ranged Weapons BlowgunBoomerangBowCrossbowIolo’s bowFlaming oilHawkMusketSiege bowSlingThrowing axeTriple crossbow
Enhanced Ranged Weapons Anachronistic weaponsFire wandInfinity bowLightning wandLightning whipMagic axeMagic boomerangMagic bowMagician’s wandStarbursts
Basic Ammuntion AmmunitionArrowsBoltsCannonballsSling stones
Enhanced Ammuntion Burst arrowsFire arrowsLove arrowsLucky arrowsMagic arrowsMagic boltsMana arrowsSerpent arrowsSleep arrows
Non-traditional Weapons
Non-traditional Weapons CannonCleaverDeath scytheFellowship staffFishing rodHammerHoeHoe of DestructionPickPitchforkPowder kegRakeRock hammer ☥ Rolling pin ☥ ScytheShearsShovelTongsTorchesWhip
Other Weapons Weapons in Savage EmpireWeapons in Martian DreamsGlovesRope & spikes
Specific Weapons
Specific Enchanted Weapons Axe of Fire DoomAxe of Life StealingBlade of StrikingBone CrusherCudgel of EntryCrook of CharmingDeceiverErinon’s axeFiredoom staffFlame StingFrost swordGringoletHammer of DedicationJuggernaut hammerMace of Undead BaneMagebaneProtectorKorghin’s FangScimitar of Khumash‑GorSlayerSword of Poison WeaponSword of Stone StrikeStaff of the DeadWar Bow of Blood
Other Items Black swordCaliburnOphidian swordPractice swordQuickswordSerpent artifactsSerpent Staff