The purple sleep arrows are specifically made by the ranger Tseramed in Ultima VII.
Besides a modest increase in damage, the tip is made from the stingers of giant bees, giving the arrow the ability to put the target to sleep. Despite this useful effect however, they are rare, since only the ranger Tseramed makes them. He will give the Avatar some for free in Ultima VII.
Tseramed Arrows[edit]
In Ultima VII, sleep arrows are only made by Tseramed, and are hardly ever found anywhere else.
To get Tseramed to make more, the Avatar must fulfill two conditions first:
- Speak with Tseramed while a living giant bee is nearby, which will change his introductory lines
- No party member must currently possess single one of these arrows.
The Avatar can then ask him about bees, then about arrows. Then answer yes, and Tseramed will make one arrow for each bee stinger the party has.
Effectiveness of the Ammunition[edit]
- Tseramed's Arrows add +1 to the weapon's basic points of damage.
King's Savior Sleep Arrows[edit]
In Ultima VII Part Two, sleep arrows are created by applying king's savior to any plain arrows. This will create an arrow that is capable of putting any creature to sleep, and is specifically needed to kill Draygan.
Effectiveness of the Ammunition[edit]
- Sleep Arrows in Serpent Isle also have +1 damage, but that is negated since they are flagged to deal no damage. They are also flagged to always hit.
- The arrows made by Tseramed only appear in Ultima VII.
See Also[edit]