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Draygan, from Ultima VII Part Two
Species: human
CollapseUltima VII Part Two
Location: Northern Encampment

Draygan is the leader of the Northern Encampment on Serpent Isle. He appears in Ultima VII Part Two.


Draygan was once a Knight of Monitor of the Leopard Command. He was hired a little over a year before the Avatar’s arrival to be the leader of a band of warriors for protection of the new Northern Encampment in the Northern Forest. However, after mineral wealth was discovered in these lands, Draygan showed his true colors. Draygan had earlier stolen the Forest Master’s Heart of Elerion, which made him almost invulnerable and thus allowed him to take over the encampment with ease. His actions caused most of the settlers under the leadership of a man named Falcon to leave. However, with the ship burned by Draygan already months ago without their knowledge, they were trapped and killed by wolves that were driven mad.

When the Avatar met him, Draygan felt very secure in his position as dictator of his small kingdom, and made some very direct and lethal threats, but otherwise paid the hero no mind. Following the instructions of Beryl, his personal slave and the only surviving settler, the Avatar used an arrow treated with the king’s savior flower to make Draygan fall asleep, enabling the hero to beat him to death and take the orb from his corpse.


  • If attacked while alert, Draygan defends himself with a dragon’s fire breath. He can also call massive amounts of guards.