All currently known bugs in the Ultima series are listed here. Note that bugs that can be exploited for cheating are not listed here. Also note that some descriptions of bugs necessarily contain spoilers for the games.
The Age of Darkness[edit]
- In the black & white DOS version distributed on GOG, Lord British will not recognize any quest progress, as no matter how many times you kill the required monster, Lord British will not allow you to continue, making the game unwinnable.[1]
- The Apple II version will falter if you first visit Lord British with a Wisdom of 33 or higher, dropping the player back to the "lucky number" screen. The wisdom score is increased by one of the magic amulet's spells that changes you into a lizard man, and is caused by the wisdom stat determining the starting monster you need to slay (and causes an overflow error, resetting the game).
Ultima I[edit]
Original version bugs:
- Dungeon levels do not stay the same in the original (non-remake) Apple II version. Thus when the player climbs down and then back up again, the layout will have changed, so that maps will be useless. While this might be considered a feature rather than a bug, it is not there in Akalabeth and thus probably is a bug.
- The original (non-remake) Apple II version uses an undocumented 6502 opcode that makes it impossible to hit the alien ships to become a Space Ace when using a 65C02. (The fix is in file "FGT3". Change the bytes at 74D1 to 46 43 45 43.)
- The original (non-remake) Apple II version, during the final encounter with Mondain, if you enter "(I)nform", you'll see the text "It looks as if he is creating the evil gem!?!?!" displaying slowly. However from this point forward all text will continue to display slowly since the message speed doesn't return to normal.
Remake bugs:
- When you rescue a princess in some castles, she can get you backed into a corner forcing you to kill her to get free (yeah, some rescue!).
- In the PC version, the player's armour seems to be of no effect when fighting occurs in a dungeon. This makes the dungeon quests much harder than in the non-PC versions of the game.
- The Cleric is documented to be able to always cast spells, but this only applies if the spell's direction is chosen.
Ultima II[edit]
- In all versions, the numbers for attributes and hitpoints can "roll over", meaning that they return to zero when the value would go over 99, or over 9999, depending on which statistic it is. In order to avoid reaching this situation in case of hit points (having zero hit points will kill the player), Richard Garriott made Lord British ask for more gold for hitpoints the higher the character is, so that the danger of rolling over is lower. It is sufficient to stop grinding when the attribute gets near the "roll over" value, but the Ultima II Upgrade Patch fixes this for the PC version.
- Additionally to the problems above, once the sum of Intellect and Charisma reaches 160, the calculation for the prices in shops rolls over, resulting in absurdly high prices. It is sufficient to stop grinding when the attribute gets near the "roll over" value, but the patch fixes that problem as well for the PC version.
Apple II bugs:
- In the original Apple II version, it is impossible to increase the "strength" attribute in-game. A patch for this exists and can be found in the usual Apple emulation archives.
C64 bugs:
- The towns of Towne Mary, Village of the Preppies, New Jester, Computer Camp and Towne Makler have lost the bottom four rows of tiles on the C64 version thanks to a bug. Thankfully, this does not remove anything important.
- In the C64 port, sometimes a long, dead-end corridor opens up branching out from floor 1 of the tower in 1990 A.D.
MS-DOS bugs:
- The PC version of Ultima II is not made for fast computers and crashes with a "Divide by Zero" error. Thankfully, the patch mentioned above fixes this as well.
- The latest variants of the PC version of Ultima II, that came in CD compilations such as Ultima I-VI Series and Ultima Collection, was broken. The game originally came on three floppies, during a time when MS-DOS did not yet have a directory structure. Some files on the second floppy had the same names as some on the third floppy, but their contents were different. When it was all put into one directory for the compilations, the person(s) who did this seemingly did not realize the file contents were different even though the file names were the same, so that some of the planet maps from the third disk got overwritten. While this did not make the game unwinnable (the one planet, other than Earth, that absolutely has to be visited by the player was not affected), it certainly reduced the game's enjoyment and caused considerable oddness (most planets now looked exactly like the different eras of Earth, minus the time doors). The patch mentioned above fixes this as well.
- In the MS-DOS version, Jupiter’s tower has a tri-lithium chest where there should be a wall. Traversing through this passage will cause the player to appear a few tiles away and in the opposite direction.
- In the MS-DOS version, the only ladder on the lowest level of the dungeon on Pluto goes down. Climbing down it (from level 15) will cause the engine to become unstable. Once arriving on this level, the only way to leave is with magic, like Surface or Ladder Up.
Ultima III[edit]
- The DOS version has some elements based on the CPU speed, including the Whirlpool's movement. As a result, pirate ships could be destroyed before the player could see them on-screen, increasing the difficulty needed to reach Ambrosia.
The Age of Enlightenment[edit]
Ultima IV[edit]
- The are several bugs in the conversation structure data, making certain conversations impossible to reach. There are also a few misspellings in the conversation key words, which prevent the player from getting the right answers unless he also misspells the key word in exactly the right way (highly unlikely unless the player looked at the code). For example one character expects to be asked about reasearch instead of research.
- Especially the Apple II version has a large number of misspellings in the conversations. In the later ports, some of the more obvious ones were fixed, but others remain.
- In all versions for MOS 6502-based computers (Apple II, Commodore 64, Atari 8-bit), there is a bug that prevents two thirds of the shrine messages from ever appearing. Apart from the special message that a player gets when achieving partial enlightenment, each shrine is supposed to have three different things to say, depending on the number of meditation cycles chosen by the player. However, the player always gets the same message from any one shrine in these versions of the game. Fixes for the Apple II and the C64 versions exist and are floating around in the usual emulation archives.
- At least in the PC, Apple IIe, C64, Amiga, and FM Towns versions, dungeon Hythloth is bugged, as two rooms in level 6 are broken, lacking a trigger for the exit wall in the eastern room, and incorrect start positions in the western room. Fenyx4 fixed this with a patch, found here. The Sega Master System does not have this bug.
- The French version, rare as it is, has a crippling bug. Items to be used are supposed to typed, and the game recognizes neither the French nor the English spelling, thus making the game unwinnable.
Apple II bugs:
- In the Apple II version, Shamino and three other persons surround the talking Ankh of Spirituality from all four sides. This prevents the player from getting access to the Ankh unless he first asks Shamino to join him on his quest. In case the player himself is a ranger however, Shamino will refuse to join, meaning that the only way to talk to the Ankh is by first un-virtuously attacking one of the four peaceful persons that surround it, and then either un-virtuously killing the person or un-virtuously running away. In later ports, Shamino was moved one square to the west, so that the player can stand between him and the Ankh and thus talk to the Ankh without trouble.
- The correct way to exit the balloon is to land it first, then exit it. The Apple version, however, had a bug that allowed you to exit the balloon while it was still in flight. You an do this anywhere including on water on mountains. This put the party into a confused mode. This mode was mostly like that of being on the surface, with the notable exception of non-occlusion, and inhabitants and monsters behaved as though the party was in flight i.e. not moving. Notably the Seer in Lord British's castle would not step up to the counter counter and the player cannot talk to them. If you enter a dungeon while in this state the dungeon will be broken and you will likely have to reload from your last save.
- In the Apple II version, dying (by starving) while riding the balloon will also put the player into a non-occlusion mode. When the player awakens at Castle Britannia, the game is in non-occlusion mode, and all NPCs behave as though the player is in flight (meaning they do not move). This state remains when the player changes levels or leaves the castle. While this state is active, no monsters are generated on the Overworld map.
- In the Apple II version, you can blink while on the Balloon.
- In the Apple II version, if the player character already has 9999 experience points, he must not lose the eighth of Valor. This is because the game stops giving the player valor points when the experience maximum is reached, making the game unwinnable should the eighth of Valor be lost at that point. This was fixed in at least the C64 version.
MS-DOS bugs:
- The DOS version has monsters visible at lat-A', long-A' when using the balloon. These are a mix of reapers, insects, and slimes, all in the middle of water.
- In at least the DOS version you can get the Rune of Spirituality on the second floor of Castle Britannia. Attack Juliet to get her to move, search where she was and you will find the rune.
Ultima V[edit]
- The game has a bug on the PC version that is more of an annoyance. When starting the game with Num Lock still activated on the keyboard, the normal numeric keys, apart from 5, will not work due to mapping confusion, making finding the Sandalwood Box and camping for raising levels impossible. Thankfully, the easy solution is to turn it off before starting the game (or DOSBox). Modern computers have it turned off as a standard.
- The Atari ST version of the game has a critical bug later in the game. The bug happens completely at random and will manifest in the game suddenly asking for the game disk that actually is already in the disk drive. The game will hang immediately afterwards, forcing a complete reset of the computer.
- The Amiga version of Ultima V is very bad at reading the keyboard. Too often, key presses will either not be read at all, or will "stutter" and (for example) a single keystroke will be interpreted as three. This makes playing the game very tedious at times or result in unwanted, bad situations.
- At least in the DOS version it is possible to attack the whirlpool (not cannons, but by exiting a skiff at sea and attack on foot). Since the game has no idea how to handle such a situation, it does crash with a divide by zero error.
Ultima VI[edit]
- If a companion dies and the party then is filled to the maximum of eight, resurrecting the character will turn the companion in question into a zombie that follows the player. Since the party can only have eight characters, the 9th member screws up the game until it crashes.
- The C64 version has an annoying bug (at least on emulators). When talking to Xiao, trying to buy spells from her results in her telling a part of dialogue from Isabella. This bug is only plaguing certain versions of Ultima VI on the C64 due to a faulty image of the populace disks that is wide-spread, and the only way to go around the problem is to use the internal cheat system to get the spells Xiao would normally sell the Avatar. A fixed version does exist, called "Htw-fixed".
- A very bizarre bug in the C64-port, at least in emulation, causes the game to display "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" whenever the action of looking at a person should show the name and when talking above the dialogue of the NPC, where the name should have been as well. The dialogue itself is not affected.
- The Amiga version of the game has a bug that after some hours of gameplay duplicates the inventory of the party during a loading or saving of a game. All the items are permanent and the bug will repeat itself, meaning that it will slow down the game considerably.
- Some quest-related items like the Vortex Cube can disappear when placed on the ground after saving and loading.
Savage Empire[edit]
- Speaking with Tristia while Aiela is in the party may cause an infinite conversion loop. This is claimed to be fixed in version 2.1.
- A bug is sometimes triggered in the sequence where the Avatar has to kill a Tyrannosaurus with a boulder. In this case, the message "Gold falls" appears and a random party member will be frozen forever and left out of the party list. At this point, one has to save (backup the old save first), and then hex-edit OBJLIST in the save directory. At 0x00000FF0, the number has to be returned to the correct value for party members (f.e. 06 for six people).
The bug has a surprising cause: the death of an NPC 0, who normally is safely stored away and represents a vehicle use of the party. However, by using the raft to reach Topuru, the status of NPC 0 is changed and it can be killed in this scene. The solution is to either kill the T-Rex before using the raft, one knows it's safe when the message "Eohippus falls" appears instead, or to throw the explosive at the southwest of the boulder at an angle to not accidentally kill NPC 0. An analysis of the cause is found here at Dino's Ultima Page. - Uniting the tribes may trigger another bug. Leaving the Myrmidex caves after having beaten the Great Drum results in the player being stuck in an infinite, self-repeating grassland. This happens to exits that were not earlier equipped with a vine and used at least once to climb down, as the program does get confused. However, exiting from safe holes still causes oddities story-wise, since you are not expected to do so. Can also be triggered earlier by going down a hole and then exiting from a hole not used to enter before.
- Items that are left in a location, such as a village hut, can disappear. Note this is particularly important for quest-related items. Confirmed disappearing items include the fire extinguisher, bucket, and jugs of platcha, as well as easily replaceable items like sabretooth tiger skins, bamboo flintlock rifles, and bows and arrows. While it is unclear whether this is caused by a proper bug or quick-fingered natives, in order to avoid restarting to complete quests it is a good idea to keep all unique items with the party.
- On the Great Mesa, where you are supposed to use the Kotl Gem on a stone socket, you can instead use the Crystal Brain, obtaining the same effect. You cannot retrieve the Crystal Brain from the socket, and it will disappear if you leave the area. If you later use the Giant Crystal, it will be cast on the socket, but you will not see the cutscene again.
- In the original 1.6 version, Tristia’s dialogue is bugged so you can't declare your love for her and see the alternate ending. This was fixed in an obscure 2.1 version for an EA Compilation CD. In order to get the fix nowadays, Pix Ultima Patcher has to be used.
- Freeing Aiela in solo mode hangs the game. That's due to the game after that entering combat mode automatically due to Darden, but since entering combat is not possible in solo mode, the game hangs in an endless loop.
- Asking one of the generic Disquiqui Tribesmen about "pulq" will show error messages before ending the conversation (thankfully without harm).
Martian Dreams[edit]
- The game can freeze when saving, and the saved file gets corrupted. A savegame seems to reliably corrupt itself if one saves in the area north of 31°15'S and east of 158°00'E unless one had previously saved in the area south of 31°00'S and east of 158°00'E at least once some time before that. A simple solution is to not save at first after the start and save near Dibbs (after taking him into the party) before going north.
- Should the Avatar's main inventory be full when a character gives something to the Avatar (containers do not count), then the item(s) will simply vanish, never to be seen again. This can be really crippling with plot-relevant items. In later installments this was thankfully changed in that the item is then either dropped or other party members take it.
- Clemens and Earp can spawn in the Dream Machine and their homes before their quests are done. This causes the obelisk to be blocked and two bodies in the homes, one human controlled, one Martian.
Ultima Underworld[edit]
TIP: To find your version number press ALT-F7 during the main game.
- There is a bad bug that allows the character Judy to sometimes walk into lava and die, thus making the game unwinnable.
- The floppy disk version of the game had a bug in the lower levels, known as the "inventory bug". It would strike at random when changing levels, screwing up the inventory which generally resulted in loss of vital items. The CD version fixes this bug, but it re-appeared in the PSX-port. A detailed reason follows, as the cause is the game engine.
The reason for this bug is the way the game manages items in the world. There is a hard upper limit for items on a level, which is calculated by adding together the player's inventory, actual items on the level and "decorative" items like bloodstains. Fighting a lot on a level (creating bloodstains) and dumping items a lot in it could result in reaching the limit. Entering the level next time, items are deleted from the inventory in order to get under the limit again. The patch did raise the item limit per level significantly, thus making it very hard to encounter the bug. The sequel fixes this by deleting decorative items (like bloodstains and bones) once things are near the limit, which is raised as well. - There is a new bug in the latest version (vF1.94S) where objects dropped on inclined ground can vanish completely out of the game. This could be game breaking if a required game winning object is lost. Also, sometimes when fighting on an incline, the player will suddenly drop about a foot down, as if they stepped in a hole. It is not clear whether these two bugs are related, but they are both observable in vF1.94S (and vF1.99S in UW2) but not the previous vF1.50S version. To avoid this bug, avoid dropping items on an incline, and avoid fighting monsters on an incline where they may drop their loot and it can be lost.
PSX port bugs:
- For a detailed list see the bug list in the main article
- The inventory bug present in the PC disk version is present in this version as well as some new inventory bugs.
- When having Shak repair magical items, he returns them as mundane items, without magical enchantment
The Age of Armageddon[edit]
Ultima VII[edit]
Bugs that can make the game unwinnable:
- A bug in the floppy disk version of the game was that keys tended to simply disappear, making the game unwinnable. Origin fixed this problem in the CD version.
- Another bug with the carpet appears when flying over the Isle of the Avatar. Unlike other sliding doors, one in the dungeon below that island closes even if flying over the mountains under which it is. This makes the final dungeon un-winnable.
- Another bug makes even the walls of the houses disappear. This bug is not limited strictly to walls; carrying too many items, or having too many items on screen at once, will cause various objects to 'vanish' as the game runs short of memory.
- Things that once stowed in your inventory do not always stay permanent. To avoid this, store things in a container (like a ship's hold).
- Care has to be taken to empty a dead party member's corpse of items before resurrecting him, since it is entirely possible that items can get lost. Weapons are especially prone to this bug and it is very annoying when a unique magical weapon just vanishes into nothingness.
Other bugs:
- If the player's name is "Avatar", it becomes impossible to ask Tseramed into the party. The conversation tree gets stuck in a loop where the player cannot answer with his true name, leaving the only options as "fellowship" and "Avatar". Choosing "fellowship" will end up with a dialog tree that has only the choice of "Abraham" for the character's name. Identifying oneself as Abraham will make Tseramed either attack you or send you on your way, depending on subsequent answers. Choosing "Avatar" acts as if the player has identified as the Avatar, not having the name "Avatar". This makes it impossible to get the join option for Tseramed, since it will not appear until the player has given him a name. Eventually the dialog tree can get into a state where there are no options available and the game is frozen. It appears that hex editing the occurrences of "Avatar" in the save game file to another word fixes the issue. Fixed with Ultima VII auf Deutsch and the Ultima VII Nitpickers Delight Patch.
- In certain circumstances, a red frame appears around the screen after you have enlightened a torch. Alas, it does not disappear.
- Occasionally, the murder site in Minoc gets cleaned up immediately after the Avatar enters the building. This makes the serpentine dagger vanish, thus it becomes impossible to confront De Snel. The only workaround is using another serpentine dagger, since another bug is that they are all the same. The bug manifests very often when flying with the Magic Carpet to Minoc, but it can also manifest without the magic carpet at all.
- Trying to read the Golem-ritual scroll after having left the Test of Love results in a crash.
- It is possible to kill Cador in a bar fight, and then tell Yvella about where Catherine goes at noon. This creates the interesting situation where Cador lynches Lap-Lem despite already being dead.
- Buying a jug from Lady Jehanne or Betra does not work. It will only result in a garbled something in the backpack which cannot be removed ever.
- It is impossible to get Rankin to talk the truth with the cube. This was fixed with an Exult mod, Ultima VII auf Deutsch and the Ultima VII Nitpickers Delight Patch.
- When wasting a potion (like dumping its contents on the floor), a party member scolds you. However, instead of the proper "mylord" or "mylady", the party member says "(Gender)". The usual gender-call in the dialogue code was misspelled, causing the placeholder to appear instead. Fixed with Ultima VII auf Deutsch and the Ultima VII Nitpickers Delight Patch.
- The dialogue structure of the Iskander-quest is bugged, meaning that the quest cannot be solved. Fixed with Ultima VII auf Deutsch and the Ultima VII Nitpickers Delight Patch.
- Fish were accidentally given a heigth of 0, thus making it impossible to go fishing. This was fixed in Exult, Ultima VII auf Deutsch and the Ultima VII Nitpickers Delight Patch.
- Jaana eventually loses her ability to heal as the usecode timer used doesn't use an absolute number (as it does in SI) but rather calculates on a day-of-the-week basis. Alas, asking her once to heal less than 5 hours before the end of the in-game week will result in her not being able to heal anymore.
- If the Avatar is carrying their maximum weight, and uses a well to fill a bucket, a new bucket will be created at the base of the well (as normal) but the bucket in the Avatar's hand will not be removed. Thus, infinite buckets.
Bugs in localised versions only:
- A bug in the German version: some conversation topics do nothing when clicked on, as their triggers are missing. This was fixed in Ultima VII auf Deutsch.
- Another bug of the German version. Due to some accidentally removed piece of code, single reagents found in the world register as quantity 0, thus do not add to the reagent pool and vanish when added to a stack. Also fixed by Ultima VII auf Deutsch.
- The German and French versions suffer from a much wider line spacing that results in only three instead of five lines of text being visible. Since this also affects dialogue choices, sometimes other topics have to be breached first, before the options appear from the void below.
- Sadly, this also affects shops in the German version and thus severely cripples them, as only the first three lines of items can be bought (the French version has a "other" keyword in all shop menus, that allows to cycle through all items). Additionally, even if the spacing is corrected, since German has longer words, it results in shops with six or seven lines of item choices. Since the engine only accepts 5 lines maximum, these items cannot be bought at all. The bugged German version was fixed with Ultima VII auf Deutsch.
Ultima Underworld II[edit]
- Being nasty to Nanna results in a bug that creates a never-ending servant strike, essentially becoming a plotstopper since events in the game proceed with plot development. This was fixed in the CD version.
- Getting the Horn of Praecor Loth by destroying Praecor Loth results in a bug where the endgame (the appearance of Mors Gotha in the castle) cannot be triggered.
- There is another bug which can cause the endgame to not trigger. The djinn bottle has to be placed in the center of the pentagram before breaking it. While it seems to work when putting the bottle near the edge, it actually does not. This can be fixed by getting the replacement bottle from the Void and doing it correctly.
- The game would crash from a “divide by zero” error if the player attempted to jump over a fire elemental.
- If there is a female guard in the corridor near Nystul's room, then Mors Gotha will not appear, most likely due to a resource conflict (she and the guard use the same model apart from clothing color). That means you cannot win the game as she needs to be killed first. It can be fixed by leaving and re-entering the level, causing her to appear.
- The same bug with inclines observed in Ultima Underworld I
Serpent Isle[edit]
- All of the humanoid ghosts in the game (such as the ones in the Exploded Powder Mill) are the Chaos Hierophant. Talking to him before the right time will result in plotstoppers.
- Also, the pillars in Isstanar's room teleport accidentally to the test of purity, resulting in plotstoppers.
- One plotstopper bug prevents Xenka from speaking about "sacrifice". The cause is the usecode egg in the small chamber in Furnace where the Serpent Staff is found; this egg sets a game flag which influences Xenka. The Exult team has a good forum topic on this bug. To make sure, avoid the troll cave altogether until Xenka tells you to get the staff and first talk to Zhelkas before getting it. Step into the chamber with the staff and pull it directly into the inventory. If nothing works, flag 505 has to be set with the cheat menu.
Other bugs:
- One bug in Monitor can make the pikeman at the List Field, who manages the training, disappear. This bug lies in the banquet scene, and is related to the handling of internal game eggs (triggers). The usecode deletes the nearest egg trigger to the Avatar when opening the door to enter the banquet, which can erroneously be the pikeman spawn egg for the List Field if you are to the west of the Banquet Hall. To avoid this, approach the banquet from the east.
- Stats-enhancing items like the Belt of Strength from Silver Seed are bugged. When the Avatar is stripped off items (like Issik's Maze or Gorlab Swamp), it will not subtract their enhancement when taken away, but will internally store a restoration value (for example when avatar had strength 22 before equipping the Belt of Strength, and 30 (max value) afterwards, the Belt now has stored "take away 8 strength points when removing manually", and giving it to another party member will so not increase their strength by 10 but merely reduce it by 8 when it is taken away again from them). This can be used for cheating, to avoid the bug it is necessary to equip the Avatar with the items after return from the scripted plot.
- Some spells got broken in the transition from the 1.07 beta to the final game:
- The Firesnake spell just fizzles out, though patches for the code do exist.
- The Blink spell also fizzles out, though the existence of an in-game explanation and the fact it could have broken the game make this look intentional.
- The Time Stop spell also does not work. Also probably intentional, due to it allowing players to to circumvent triggers.
- Due to a bug, caused by Ensorcio and Teldrono sharing the same shape, it can happen after Teldrono morphs into a chicken in the Mountains of Freedom, that Ensorcio is stuck looking like a chicken for the rest of the game. That however doesn't stop the player from talking with him to get his unique spells, it's just his shape that's wrong then.
- After meeting Smith the Horse in the dream realm, one should not use the teleport cheat to visit the house of the dead, since Smith is there and engage the Avatar in an endless dialogue loop on sight. His programming does not account for meeting the Avatar again after teleporting away.
Ultima VIII[edit]
- Beren's dialogue, when reaching the lava river after cooling it partly off, is buggy. Most of his lines vanish. The cause is flag problems. This can be avoided by either never talking to him, or angering him in Tenebrae and denying an apology.
- It is possible to speak from the fourth Ancient Necromancer onwards without the use of Death Speak.
- Additionally, a flag was not set properly, so the Avatar knows the spells the Ancient Necromancers teach right from the start, meaning that the entire quest can be skipped without creating a plotstopper.
- A rather nasty bug is, that after getting the Breath of Air, the Avatar can use it right away on the present Stratos, regardless of game progress, and gets transported into the Ethereal Void afterwards, bringing the game to a dead end, since it now isn't possible to progress any further (unless the Avatar has the other blackrock pieces already).
- The same problem can be done with Lithos, since it is possible to get the Heart of Earth even before meeting him. Since he there appears in a cutscene, one has to drink a purple potion and attack one of the skeletons, so it starts to push the Avatar back towards where Lithos appears with its attacks. The Heart has to be double-clicked on to make the crosshair appear. Once the Avatar is close, Lithos appears and can be absorbed, breaking the game by freezing.
- There are places where the Avatar can drop out of the boundaries of the game world. See World model of Ultima VIII for more details on where this can happen and the effects it has.
- When you light a fire flask or oil bomb and put it in your backpack, the Avatar will be torn apart and killed by the explosion. However, if you light up and put several explosives in your backpack at once, your character will explode multiple times, with several sets of heads, torsos and limbs flying around.
- There is a book entitled Resurrection on the first floor of the Monastery at the Argentrock isle, the text of which is on the Intervention. (usecode bug)
- Gwillim's dialogue is buggy. Once the dialogue is ended, there's no other option but 'Farewell', except for the Ghost Plot. (usecode bug)
- If you combine the Reagents Vividos asks for with other Reagents found anywhere else, he won't recognize them anymore, giving no options to give them to him and complete the quest. Don't combine the Hoods with other Hoods, and the Sticks with other Sticks. Either don't pick them up if their are not needed right then. Or pick them up and put them in a Bag, making sure not to confuse them with the other reagents from elsewhere. Vividos only requires one of each.
Ultima IX[edit]
The game has so many bugs and plotstoppers, it is next to impossible to list them all here. A short overview of the effects involves complete breakdowns of the game, plotstopper and other flag problems, graphics corruption, a never fixed memory leak that forces a restart after a certain playing time and countless weaknesses in the AI of characters and enemies.
Here an attempt to list the bugs that can be easily replicated or are well-documented.
Game-stopping bugs:
- The game suffers from a memory leak slowing the system down before halting altogether. The only solution is to save, quit the game and then start it up again.
- Weaknesses in the Ultima IX physics describes in much more detail how the gravity and physics engines are prone to unusual results due to sloppy programming.
- It is entirely possible to miss the trigger that causes the bandit Byron in the cave near Moonglow to notice you, triggering the short cutscene. Without that flag set however, Tydus will not continue the quest, thus creating a plotstopper.
- Entering a moongate with the weapon drawn crashes the game outright.
- Insanely trying to ignite the Candle of Love with the Flame Bolt spell during the ritual results in the game crashing outright.
Other bugs:
- The hostile winged gargoyles in Ambrosia acknowledge the "False Prophet", but just continue to fly on the spot and do not attack at all.
- Sometimes, the music triggers do not work as intended. Once being "attacked" (other bug) by a hostile winged gargoyle in Ambrosia, the special battle music will continue to play at all music triggers in the city until leaving it.
- Molly in Dawn can due to a bug sometimes walk on thin air and walk away into the sky, thus making it impossible to get her information.
- At many places in the game, objects, object icons and even textures often have random pink pixels at their edge. Those are the result of not properly done background transparencies (the pink is the background that should be transparent).
- Several spells have bugs in them:
- Levitate was either broken with the latest official patch or fails to function with certain graphics cards. This mean the Avatar now only hovers at best three feet above ground, before the spell runs out.
- The light sphere of the spell Day lasts a few seconds, before simply fizzling out due to a bug. The spell however still drains mana, until being dismissed.
- The spell Create Reagents will generally only produce Black Pearl regardless of terrain, or crashes the game outright. There are a few areas will the spell functions correctly such as near Lord British’s castle.
- Mana Breath is buggy and can suddenly stop working at the worst moments.
- Thanks to flag problems, it happens more often than not that Jordan's wrecked ship at the southern coast does not appear when returning to Valoria from Destard, thus making it impossible to get the War Bow of Blood.
- Commander Hays suffers from accidentally restrictive event flags. If a certain order of actions is not kept, he will not appear.
- Fire Arrows are surrounded by a pink box. Clearly their background transparency was forgotten or ignored and no one thought someone would notice.
- Gringolet's glowing effect has the hilarious effect that it can make certain objects disappear until being sheathed, due to clashing resources. The glass cases of the guild shop in Buccaneer's Den are most prominent due to the opportunity to get good equipment.
- Shamino only speaks from the statues near Britain and Skara Brae due to a lack of time to create more dialogue.
- Despite learning the rituals of Barrier of Life and Armageddon, these are not entered into the spellbook (but still work).
- When swimming back up from the underwater tomb of Sir William Lett and you kick on the ship while still being under water, the Avatar is teleported on deck, but hovers in air in swimming pose and the breath meter falls. You have to jump to quit this confused mode.
- Due to some kind of bug, both Lyssa and the Ruby-eyed skeleton near Britain hold their shields in the wrong hand and rotated 180°, which looks very strange.
- Some beds work, some do not, even though all of them should. It seems completely random and makes finding resting places unnecessary annoying. Strangely, standing at the right side (as seen from the foot of the bed) gets better results.
- The uprising of the dead in Britain is bugged. Either it does not happen at all, or you cannot give Dermot the news and the ruby to finish the quest.
- Despite saying so, Nico's prices do not change when the Avatar is a member of the guild.
- While not freeing Felix and Castro in their cell in Despise correctly deducts one point of karma after leaving, if you do free them, sometime later in the dungeon the deduction happens anyway due to the flag not being set correctly.
- Thanks to the limited drawing range, Castle Britannia is big enough that the ceiling is not drawn and it can rain in the throne room.
- If the inventory is full and you then switch from a one-handed weapon and shield to a two-handed weapon, one of the two former will either disappear forever or fall under the ground (in other situations when the inventory is taken away, the program generates bags if needed).
- The whole thing with Cleo and the dead Smith the Horse suffers from Cleo appearing beneath the hanged horse corpse on the zero Z plane of the world map after talking to her in Wrong, making it almost impossible to actually talk to her to get the outdated clue. Other times, she tells the clue on the first meeting in Wrong, even though she should not, though that bug is very random.
- When trying to give Katie's's letter to Samhayne, it literally has to be the first thing the Avatar has to say when meeting him. Otherwise, thanks to a bug, the topic will never come up again.
Bugs fixed by the unofficial Ultima IX patch 1.19h:
- Sometimes, the music triggers do not work as intended:
- After cleansing the Shrine of Sacrifice, the negative theme continues to play in Minoc and Cove instead of the positive town theme. Sometimes, no theme will play.
- Even after cleansing the shrine of Valor, Valoria still only plays the negative music.
- Some parts of Skara Brae still play the negative theme once the shrine is cleansed.
- Jaana has post shrine cleansing dialogue yet was never set to return to Yew.
- Mariah also does not return home after the shrine is repaired thanks to incomplete scripting, which is especially strange, since you do meet her when taking her magical shield).
- The elevator to the secret room in Moonglow above the magic shop is bugged in that it in many cases cannot descent again, thus trapping the Avatar in the labyrinth, forcing a reload.