Ultima IV walkthrough

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The following Ultima IV walkthrough is a heavily modified version of the original by Fallible Dragon available at (http://www.ultimacodex.com/archive/ultima4/walk).

Character Creation[edit]

The initial gypsy sequence will determine your character's starting stats, magic ability, equipment capabilities, and starting location. See character creation for more information on this sequence.

Virtue Class Starting Location Magic Ability Stat Bonus Best Armour Best Ranged Weapon(s) Best Melee Weapon(s)
Honesty Mage Moonglow Full +3 INT Cloth Sling, magic wand Dagger
Compassion Bard Britain ½ +3 DEX Leather Crossbow, magic wand Sword
Valor Fighter Jhelom 0 +3 STR Plate, magic chain Crossbow Halberd, magic sword, axe +2
Justice Druid Yew ¾ +1 DEX +1 INT Leather Crossbow, magic wand Mace
Sacrifice Tinker Minoc ¼ +1 DEX +1 STR Plate Crossbow, magic axe Halberd, magic sword
Honor Paladin Trinsic ½ +1 INT +1 STR Plate, magic plate Crossbow, magic axe Halberd, magic sword
Spirituality Ranger Skara Brae ½ +1 DEX +1 INT +1 STR Leather Crossbow, magic bow Sword, magic sword
Humility Shepherd Magincia 0 None Leather Sling Sword


The required reagents for spells are found here: https://wiki.ultimacodex.com/wiki/Category:Ultima_IV_spells



Key Prices
Sold by Margot
Skara Brae
Sold by Sasha
Sold by Shiela
Buccaneer's Den (J'O", I'I")
Sold by Shannon
Sulphurous ash A 2 2 3 6
Ginseng B 5 4 4 7
Garlic C 6 9 2 9
Spider silk D 3 6 9 9
Blood moss E 6 4 6 9
Black pearl F 9 8 7 1
Nightshade G Can be found at lat J'F" long C'O" or lat C'M" long N'M" during double new moons.
Mandrake root H Can be found at lat D'G" long L'G" or lat K'F" long G'E during double new moons.


Food is necessary as the party will starve to death without it. The manual suggests "Be sure to lay in a plentiful supply at each opportunity." The best price to be had is found at Skara Brae.

Location Shop Merchant Price
Skara Brae Food for Thought Mintol 20 25
Moonglow The Sage Deli Shaman 25 25
Paws The Market Max 30 25
Yew The Dry Goods Donnar 35 25
Britain Adventure Food Windrick 40 25


Resting at an inn has some benefits. Inns are not perfectly safe so an encounter can still happen, but sleeping in a bed versus camping on the ground improves the health recovery process; the more beds the greater the benefit. Vesper is the most efficient, but a bit out of the way so Skara Brae (conveniently located right on a moongate) is an excellent alternative.

Location Name Number of beds Price
Price per bed
Vesper The Sleep Shop 1 1 1 1.000
Skara Brae The Inn of the Spirits 1 5 5 0.200
Moonglow The Honest Inn 2 20 10 0.100
Jhelom The Inn of Ends 1 10 10 0.100
Trinsic Honorable Inn 1 15 15 0.067
Britain Britannia Manor 1 15 15 0.067
Minoc Wayfarer's Inn 1
30 0.033


Armour Defense Price
Location Users
Skin 96 All
Cloth 128 50 Britain, Buccaneer's Den, Paws, Trinsic All
Leather 144 200 Britain, Buccaneer's Den, Paws All but mage
Chain 160 600 Britain, Buccaneer's Den, Jhelom, Trinsic Fighter, paladin, and tinker
Plate 176 2000 Jhelom Fighter, paladin, and tinker
Magic chain 192 4000 Jhelom, Trinsic Fighter and paladin
Magic plate 208 7000 Jhelom Paladin
Mystic Robes 248 Empath Abbey (search A'E" B'G") Full Avatar


Melee Weapons[edit]

Weapon Damage Price
Location Users
Hands 8 All
Staff 16 20 Britain All
Dagger 24 2 Britain, Vesper All
Mace 40 100 Minoc, Trinsic All but mage
Axe 48 225 Jhelom, Trinsic Bard, fighter, paladin, ranger, shepherd, tinker
Sword 64 300 Britain, Jhelom, Trinsic Bard, fighter, paladin, ranger, shepherd, tinker
Halberd 96 350 Jhelom, Minoc Fighter, paladin, tinker
Magic sword 128 2500 Minoc Fighter, paladin, ranger, tinker
Mystic Sword 255 Serpent's Hold (search A'P" A'I") Full Avatar

Missile Weapons[edit]

Weapon Damage Price
Location Users
Flaming oil 64 5 Buccaneer's Den, Vesper All
Dagger 24 2 Britain, Vesper All
Sling 32 25 Britain, Vesper All
Bow 40 250 Trinsic, Vesper Bard, druid, fighter, paladin, ranger, tinker
Crossbow 56 600 Buccaneer's Den, Jhelom Bard, druid, fighter, paladin, ranger, tinker
Magic bow 80 2000 Buccaneer's Den Bard, druid, paladin, ranger, tinker
Magic axe 96 1500 Minoc Paladin, tinker
Magic wand 160 5000 Buccaneer's Den Bard, druid, mage


The moongates appear and disappear depending on the cycle of Britannia's twin moons Trammel and Felucca. (Trammel is the one on the left at the top of your screen.) Trammel's phase affects where the moongates appear while Felucca's phase affects where they transport you.

The moongates work like a public transport: at every location there is a departure time (moon phase) and three subsequent destinations. A moongate appears, blinks twice when Felucca moon phase changes and then disappears; whenever it blinks the destination changes. The full timetable is shown in the table below.

Departure City Moongate Location
(Lat, Long)
Moon Phase Destinations
Moonglow I'F", O'A" Image001.gif New moon Image001.gif Black Virtue Stone; Image002.gif Britain; Image003.gif Jhelom
Britain G'G", G'A" Image002.gif Crescent waxing Image004.gif Yew; Image005.gif Minoc; Image006.gif Trinsic
Jhelom O'A", C'G" Image003.gif First quarter Image007.gif Skara Brae; Image008.gif Magincia; Image001.gif Moonglow
Yew C'F", D'C" Image004.gif Gibbous waxing Image002.gif Britain; Image003.gif Jhelom; Image004.gif Yew
Minoc B'D", K'G" Image005.gif Full moon Image005.gif Shrine of Spirituality; Image006.gif Trinsic; Image007.gif Skara Brae
Trinsic M'C", G'I" Image006.gif Gibbous waning Image008.gif Magincia; Image001.gif Moonglow; Image002.gif Britain
Skara Brae H'O", B'H" Image007.gif Last quarter Image003.gif Jhelom; Image004.gif Yew; Image005.gif Minoc
Magincia K'H", L'L" Image008.gif Crescent waning Image006.gif Trinsic; Image007.gif Skara Brae; Image008.gif Magincia

Fast Travel Moongate Routes[edit]

No matter where one is, almost any destination can be reached in as few as two gates. For example, the Stranger is in Paws and wishes to travel to Skara Brae. Shamino points out that it is but a short walk to Trinsic, whose moongate will take them to Magincia and from there to Skara Brae. To use the table find the row of your source. Then go along to the column of your destination. The cell at the intersection is/are the phase(s) of Felucca when one enters a moongate(s). So in the above example, one finds the Trinsic row and the Skara Brae column. The cell at the intersection directs one to enter the Trinsic moongate when Felucca is waning crescent and then enter the next moongate, Magincia, when Felucca is at last quarter.

Source \ Destination Moonglow Image001.gif Britain Image002.gif Jhelom Image003.gif Yew Image004.gif Minoc Image005.gif Trinsic Image006.gif Skara Brae Image007.gif Magincia Image008.gif
Image001.gif Moonglow Black stone Image002.gif Image003.gif Image002.gifImage004.gif Image002.gifImage005.gif Image002.gifImage006.gif Image003.gifImage007.gif Image003.gifImage008.gif
Image002.gif Britain Image006.gifImage001.gif Image004.gifImage003.gif Image004.gif Image005.gif Image006.gif Image005.gifImage007.gif Image006.gifImage008.gif
Image003.gif Jhelom Image001.gif Image001.gifImage002.gif Image007.gifImage004.gif Image007.gifImage005.gif Image008.gifImage006.gif Image007.gif Image008.gif
Image004.gif Yew Image003.gifImage001.gif Image002.gif Image003.gif Image002.gifImage005.gif Image002.gifImage006.gif Image003.gifImage007.gif Image003.gifImage008.gif
Image005.gif Minoc Image006.gifImage001.gif Image006.gifImage002.gif Image007.gifImage003.gif Image007.gifImage004.gif Shrine of Spirituality Image006.gif Image007.gif Image006.gifImage008.gif
Image006.gif Trinsic Image001.gif Image002.gif Image001.gifImage003.gif Image002.gifImage004.gif Image002.gifImage005.gif Image008.gifImage007.gif Image008.gif
Image007.gif Skara Brae Image003.gifImage001.gif Image004.gifImage002.gif Image003.gif Image004.gif Image005.gif Image005.gifImage006.gif Image003.gifImage008.gif
Image008.gif Magincia Image006.gifImage001.gif Image006.gifImage002.gif Image007.gifImage003.gif Image007.gifImage004.gif Image007.gifImage005.gif Image006.gif Image007.gif

Beating The Game[edit]

Ultima IV is an extraordinarily non-linear game, but the ultimate goal is to achieve Avatarhood by reaching the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom deep within the Stygian Abyss. This first section will briefly detail what is required to complete the game, while the second section will show how to achieve mastery in all eight virtues and find all the required items to reach the Codex.

Main Goals[edit]

Information by Virtue[edit]


Mariah the mage will join you.
Honesty derives from Truth
Mantra of Honesty: AHM
Rune of Honesty: found under Mariah's chest in Moonglow.
Letter given you on achieving partial Avatarhood: I
  • Changing your Honesty
+2 – being honest to the reagents woman
-1 – stealing a chest
-10 – cheating reagent woman
  • Dungeon: Deceit – lat E'J", long P'A" (On an islet just off Dagger Isle)
Abilities raised by the magic orbs: +5 Intelligence
The Blue Stone of Honesty is found on the seventh level of Deceit.
  • Moongate: lat I'F", long O'A" (Verity Isle)

Moonglow's moongate is linked to the new moon.


Iolo the bard will join you.
  • Shrine: lat F'M", long I'A" (South of Lock Lake)
Compassion derives from Love
Mantra of Compassion: MU
Rune of Compassion: Search at the end of the hall in the inn in Britain.
Letter given you on achieving partial Avatarhood: N
  • Changing your Compassion
+2 – giving to beggar
+2 – fleeing from non-evil enemy
+1 – letting non-evil creatures flee
-5 – attacking non-evil creatures
  • Dungeon: Despise – lat E'D", long F'L" (North of Britain in the Serpent's Spine mountains)
Abilities raised by the magic orbs: +5 Dexterity
The Yellow Stone of Compassion is found on the fifth level of Despise.
  • Moongate: lat G'G", long G'A" (Near Britain just off Britanny Bay)
Britain's moongate is linked to the crescent waxing moon.


  • Town: Jhelom – at N'O", long C'E" (Valorian Isles)
Geoffrey the fighter will join you.
  • Shrine: Lat O'F", long C'E" (Valorian Isles)
Valor derives from Courage
Mantra of Valor: RA
Rune of Valor: Search in the southeast tower of Jhelom
Letter given you on achieving partial Avatarhood: F
  • Changing your Valor
+0/1 (random) – killing an evil enemy
-2 – fleeing from enemy
  • Dungeon: Destard – lat K'I", long E'I" (Northwest of Trinsic)
Abilities raised by the magic orbs: +5 Strength
The Red Stone of Valor is on the seventh level of Destard.
  • Moongate: lat O'A", long C'G" (Near Jhelom on the Valorian Isles)
Jhelom's moongate is linked to the first quarter moon.


  • Town: Yew – lat C'L", long D'K" (In the Deep Forest)
Jaana the druid will join you.
  • Shrine: lat A'L", long E'J" (Near the shore on a peninsula northeast of the Deep Forest)
Justice derives from Truth and Love
Mantra of Justice: BEH
Rune of Justice: Search in the cell with the criminal
Letter given you on achieving partial Avatarhood: I
  • Changing your Justice
+2 – being honest to the reagents woman
+2 – fleeing from non-evil creature
+1 – letting non-evil creatures flee
-1 – stealing a chest
-3 – attacking non-evil creatures
-10 – cheating reagents woman
  • Dungeon: Wrong – lat B'E", long H'O" (East of the shrine)
Abilities raised by the magic orbs: +5 Dexterity, +5 Intelligence
The Green Stone of Justice is on the eighth level of Wrong.
Yew's moongate is linked with the gibbous waxing moon.


  • Town: Minoc – lat B'E", long J'P" (Off Lost Hope Bay)
Julia the tinker will join you.
  • Shrine: lat C'N", long M'N" (In the middle of a lake east of the Bloody Plains)
Sacrifice derives from Love and Courage.
Mantra of Sacrifice: CAH
Rune of Sacrifice: Within the fires of the forge in Minoc
Letter given you on achieving partial Avatarhood: N
  • Changing your Sacrifice
+5 – giving blood at the healer
+1 – getting killed
-2 – fleeing from evil enemy
-5 – not giving blood at the healer
  • Dungeon: Covetous – lat B'L", long J'M" (Just south of Minoc)
Abilities raised by the magic orbs: +5 Strength, +5 Dexterity
The Orange stone of Sacrifice seventh level of Covetous.
  • Moongate: lat B'D", long K'G" (Just east of Minoc)
Minoc's moongate is linked with the full moon.


  • Town: Trinsic – lat L'I", long G'K" (Northeast of the Cape of Heroes)
Dupre the paladin will join you.
  • Shrine: lat M'P", long F'B" (Southwest of Trinsic)
Honor derives from Truth and Courage
Mantra of Honor: SUMM
Rune of Honor: buried in the southwest corner of Trinsic
Letter given you on achieving partial Avatarhood: I
  • Changing your Honor
+5 – solving quests (finding items)
+3 – giving to a beggar
+2 – being honest to the reagents woman
-1 – stealing a chest
-3 – attacking non-evil creatures
-10 – cheating reagents woman
Abilities raised by the magic orbs: +5 Strength, +5 Intelligence
The Purple stone of Honor is on the second level of Shame.
  • Moongate: lat M'C", long G'I" (Just south of Trinsic)
Trinsic's moongate is linked with the gibbous waning moon.


  • Town: Skara Brae – lat I'A", long B'G" (Near Spiritwood)
Shamino the ranger will join you.
Sprituality derives from Truth, Love and Courage
Mantra of Spirituality: OM
Rune of Spirituality: Search in the treasure chamber of Castle Britannia
Letter given you on achieving partial Avatarhood: T
  • Changing your Spirituality
+(3 per cycle) – meditating at a shrine
+3 – talking to Hawkwind the Seer
-3 – using wrong mantra at a shrine
  • Dungeon: Hythloth – lat P'A", long O'P" (On the Isle of the Avatar)
You must descend the ladder from the first level of Castle Britannia to enter Hythloth.
Abilities raised by the magic orbs: +5 Strength, +5 Dexterity, +5 Intelligence
The White Stone of Spirituality is no longer in Hythloth. Use the balloon near Hythloth to fly over the Serpent's Spine mountains (northwest of Britain – lat F'A", long E'A") and get it from near the ankh. Alternately, you can Blink west while at lat F'A", long E'P".
  • Moongate: lat H'O", long B'H" (Just north of Skara Brae)
Skara Brae's moongate is linked with the last quarter moon.


  • Town: Magincia – lat K'J", long L'L" (In the ocean)
Katrina the shepherd will join you.
  • Shrine: lat N'I", long O'H" (On the Isle of the Avatar)
To get to the shrine you need the Silver Horn found at lat K'N" long C'N". Use it when approaching the shrine to stave off the daemons.
Humility exists outside the principles of Truth, Love, and Courage.
Mantra of Humility: LUM (mul reversed)
Rune of Humility: In Paws in a mountain nook in the southeast part of the village.
Letter given you on achieving partial Avatarhood: Y
  • Changing your Humility
+10 – Speaking humbly (The second floor guard is an excellent choice)
-5 – Talking proud
The Abyss is the final dungeon of the game and is discussed in another document.
The Black Stone of humility can be found by searching at Moonglow's moongate on double new moons.
  • Moongate: lat K'H", long L'L" (Just north of Magincia)
Magincia's moongate is linked with the crescent waning moon.

Other Items[edit]

  • You will need the Mystic Weapons from the center of the training room in Serpent's Hold, town coordinates A'P" A'I".
  • You will need the Mystic Robes from the center of the glade in Empath Abbey (D'C" B'M"), town coordinates A'E" B'G".
  • You will need a sextant to find your position (lat, long). Ask for item D at a guild shop.
  • The magic wheel of the HMS Cape (which increases your ship's hull rating) is found where it sank at lat N'H", long G'A".
  • The Silver Horn which drives off the daemons from the Shrine of Humility at lat K'N" long C'N".
  • The Book of Truth is found in the Lycaeum by searching in the library in the T section.
  • The Candle of Love is found in the village of Cove (lat F'K", long I'I" off Lock Lake) by searching behind the secret wall near the ankh. You can get to Cove by blinking east from lat F'L", long H'O" (you can get out by blinking north and west or by using Gate Travel). Alternatively you can sail a ship through a whirlpool, which takes you to Lock Lake.
  • The Bell of Courage is found at the bottom of a deep well at sea at lat N'A", long L'A".
  • The Skull of Mondain can be found at lat P'F" long M'F" during double new moons.
  • The Key of Three Parts can be found by using the Virtue Stones in the correct altar rooms on level eight of the dungeons
Truth – blue, green, purple, white
Love – yellow, orange, green, white
Courage – red, orange, purple, white

If you ask Lord British about his health, he will offer to heal you.

The End Game[edit]

The ending of the NES remake restores the Pure Axiom that Smith forgot

To win the game, head for the Great Stygian Abyss. It is on the Isle of the Avatar at lat O'J", long O'J". Use the Wheel to help you get past the ships in the harbor, and then center yourself over the volcano's maw. Read the book, light the candle, and ring the bell. Cast Mondain's skull into the abyss. Now descend into the dank dungeon.

For a complete dungeon solution, see Dungeon solutions for Ultima IV.

Word of passage: veramocor
Virtues: Honesty, Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality, Humility
Elements: Truth, Love, courage
Sum: Infinity

Ultima IV on the NES[edit]

There are a couple of changes in this version:

  • The Bell of Courage is still on an island, but the coordinates are 208, 176.
  • Find the Candle of Love in Cove's shrine (look on the second floor).
  • The Book of Truth is located on a shelf in the middle of the library's east side.
  • On another isle at 145, 180, you can get the Horn used to ward off monsters at the Shrine of Humility.
  • The Scale of Exodus should be taken to Zircon in Minoc if you want to an excellent weapon for one of your fighters.

See Also[edit]

Game Ultima IUltima IIUltima IIIUltima IVUltima VUltima VI
Savage EmpireMartian DreamsUltima UnderworldUltima VIIUltima Underworld II
Ultima VII Part TwoUltima VIIIUltima IX
Console Ultima III (NES)Runes of VirtueUltima VII (SNES)
Fan Games Ultima IV Part 2Ultima V: LazarusThe Ultima 6 ProjectUltima: The Dark Core