Skill system of Underworld and Underworld II
The skill system of Ultima Underworld (UW1) and Ultima Underworld II (UW2) is one of the core features of the games. Decisions have to be made concerning in which ones the Avatar develops. The skills have very different usefulness and some of them are not useful at all, therefore a list of the skills, how to acquire them, and how useful they are is essential. This plays into the character creation in the Underworld games.
The Skill System[edit]
The player character, the Avatar, has three character attributes: strength, dexterity, and intelligence. The character also has a list of twenty skills and a score of zero to thirty denoting the profeciency in each of those skills. Each skill is related to a base attribute which further enhances profeciency with that skill but also affects how effecienty the character can improve in that skill. Skill levels can be increased throughout game play, but attributes cannot and they are fixed throughout game play. Below is a list of these twenty skill and their base attributes.
Skills are displayed on the character statistics panel. To view it if the inventory or rune stones panels are displayed, pull the chain below the panel. If using Glassmyer's Underworld patch the shortcut key is F to go directly to the character statistics panel.
All skills start at level 0 but some can have a higher initial value assigned during the character creation process. The execpetion is the Ultima Underworld demo which does not have a characer creation process but instead starts the game with each of the skills at a random value, approximately between four and twelve.
Improving Skills[edit]
Character skills can be improved by reciting mantras at shrines in UW1 or by meeting with trainers in UW2.
- Main article: Training in Ultima Underworld
The Skills[edit]
The following table lists the skills as documented in the Ultima Underworld Player's Guide and the Ultima Underworld II Player's Guide manuals. Descriptions of the columns in this table:
- Skill: The name of the skill. There are the same number of skills in both games but a few of them changed names between games.
- Base: Each skill has a base attribute that is used when calculating it's effects. Skills based on strength are considered combat skill, skills based on dexterity are considered practical skills, and skills based on intelligence are considered magic skills. Note that in the UW1 guide they were abreviated as ST, DX, and INT, while in the UW2 guide they were ST, DX,and IQ. Note that in both games they are ST, DX, and INT, regardless of the manual.
- Description: Descriptions from both manuals are listed. When only one description is listed, it means that descriptions were identical between the two manuals.
- Mantra: The mantra for training this particular skill at a shrine in Ultima Underworld. These were not documented and are intended to be discovered in game, hence here they are considered spoilers. Note that these don't include the three general mantras that are included in the UW1 manual.
- Trainer: Who in Ultima Underworld II can train this particular skill. These were not documented and are intended to be discovered in game, hence here they are considered spoilers.
- Comments: A row below the description is for editorial comments on each skill
- Spoilers: Just below the comments are discussions on the usefulness and/or mechanics of each skill. Since some players would rather discover this on their own, these are also considered spoilers here.
Skill | Base | Description | Mantra | Trainers | Spoiler |
Acrobat | Dexterity | UW1: The ability to move with grace. This skill reduces damage taken from falls and collisions.
UW2: Experience in the art of tumbling. This skill reduces damage taken from falls and collisions, and increases jumping ability. |
Appraise | Dexterity | Training in perceiving the value of goods. This skill aids you in correctly evaluating a deal offered you in barter. | SPOILER
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Attack | Strength | UW1: Your general fighting ability. This skill provides a bonus to your chance to hit when attacking.
UW2: Your skill in offensive fighting. This skill gives a bonus to your chance to hit when attacking. |
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the more points, the more effective the Avatar is in hitting and hurting opponents. Adds 1/2 its value to the odds to hit in combat, with all weapons. | |||||
Axe | Strength | UW1: Training in the use of axes. This skill increases your ability to defend against attack and provides a bonus to hit when attacking with any form of axe.
UW2: Training in the use of axes. This skill increases your ability to defend against attack and increases your chance of hitting when attacking with any form of axe. |
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Barehand | Strength | UW1: (Unarmed) Training in unarmed combat. This skill provides a bonus both to your chance to hit and to damage when attacking with only your fist.
UW2: Training in unarmed combat. This skill gives a bonus to your chance to hit and to damage when attacking with only your fist. |
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Ultima Underworld calls this skill Unarmed | |||||
Casting | Intelligence | UW1: The study of spells. This skill improves the likelihood of a spell being successfully cast.
UW2: The study of spells. This skill improves the likelihood of a spell being successfully cast, and often increases the spell’s effects. |
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Charm | Dexterity | UW1: Knack of making friends. This skill increases your chances of obtaining a good deal when bartering.
UW2: (Charisma)The ability to influence others for your own ends. This skill increases your chances of obtaining a good deal when bartering. |
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Ultima Underworld II calls this skill Charisma | |||||
Charisma | Dexterity | UW1: (Charm)Knack of making friends. This skill increases your chances of obtaining a good deal when bartering.
UW2: The ability to influence others for your own ends. This skill increases your chances of obtaining a good deal when bartering. |
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Ultima Underworld calls this skill Charm | |||||
Defense | Strength | UW1: Your ability to defend yourself in combat. This skill provides a penalty to foes who are trying to strike you.
UW2: Your ability to defend yourself in combat. This skill applies a penalty against foes who are trying to strike you. |
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Lore | Intelligence | UW1: The ability to correctly identify an item. This skill improves the accuracy of the information gained by Looking at an object.
UW2: The ability to correctly identify an item. This skill improves the accuracy of the information you gain when Looking at an object. |
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Mace | Strength | UW1: Training in the use of blunt weapons. This skill increases your defense against attacks, and gives a bonus to hit when using a mace or cudgel.
UW2: Training in the use of blunt weapons. This skill increases your ability to defend against attack and gives a bonus to hit when using a mace or cudgel. |
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the are several types of maces, with the Mace of Undead Bane being one of the best. | |||||
Mana | Intelligence | Your ability to manipulate magical energy. This skill increases your maximum number of Mana points. | SPOILER
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Missile | Strength | Training in the use of missile weapons. This skill increases the damage you inflict in attacks using bows, crossbows, and slings. | SPOILER
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Picklock | Dexterity | The ability to use lock-picking tools. This skill increases your chances of using a lockpick to open a locked door or chest. | SPOILER
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Repair | Dexterity | The ability to fix weapons and armor. This skill increases your chance of using an anvil to repair items successfully. | SPOILER
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Search | Dexterity | UW1: Training which heightens your perceptions. This skill increases your chance of detecting hidden doors and traps. This skill is applied automatically whenever you Look at something.
UW2: Training which heightens your perceptions. This skill increases your chance of detecting hidden doors and traps. It is applied automatically whenever you Look at something. |
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Stealth | Dexterity | UW1: The ability to move quietly. This skill automatically reduces the noise you make, making it less likely that creatures will notice you.
UW2: The ability to move quietly. This skill reduces the amount of noise you make, making it less likely that creatures will notice you. |
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Swimming | Dexterity | UW1: Training in endurance swimming. This skill postpones drowning.
UW2: Training in speed and endurance swimming. This skill increases your movement rate in water, and postpones drowning. |
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Sword | Strength | UW1: Training in swordsmanship. This skill increases your chance of defending against attack and provides a bonus to your chance to hit when striking with swords and daggers.
UW2: Training in swordsmanship. This skill increases your chance of defending against attack and provides a bonus to your chance to hit when striking with swords and daggers. |
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Track | Dexterity | UW1: The ability to perceive animal tracks. This skill tells you when creatures are near.
UW2: The ability to perceive animal tracks. This skill helps tell you when creatures are near. |
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Traps | Dexterity | UW1: The ability to disable a trap. This skill disarms traps you find.
UW2: The ability to render a trap harmless. This skill automatically disarms any traps you find. |
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Unarmed | Strength | UW1: Training in unarmed combat. This skill provides a bonus both to your chance to hit and to damage when attacking with only your fist.
UW2: (Barehand) Training in unarmed combat. This skill gives a bonus to your chance to hit and to damage when attacking with only your fist. |
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Ultima Underworld II calls this skill Barehand |
(WIP) I haven't decided what to do with this text yet, probably move it to training page, but I'm just leaving it here for now --Sir Robin (talk) 20:38, 24 March 2025 (MDT)
Combat skills are boosted by the strength attribute.
Combat skills are the most important in both games. While it is absolutely needed to train Attack and Defense, it is best to specialize on only one weapon type and stick with it. It has to be added that the weapons are not balanced: missile weapons are far too weak, useless if stronger enemies come into melee range and need ammunition. While unarmed combat is possible, it is not ideal.
Magic skill are boosted by the Intelligence attribute.
Magic skills are very important in both games, since using magic is the best way to survive and make progress. Magic also can replace numerous of the other skills and is very versatile, therefore, both skills rank very high on the importance list and should be maxed out.
Practical skills are boosted by the dexterity attribute.
These are the remaining skills. The higher a skill is, the better the chance of success. Some are good, some are average and numerous are utterly pointless and should be avoided.