Mantra/Ultima Underworld Mantras

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Here is a list of all mantras that can be found and used in Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss

Mantra Effect Affected Source
summ ra Increase skills Combat Level 1 shrine, plaque on East wall: "Seeker of honor and valor in battle, speak Summ Ra, the mantra of Courage."
mu ahm Increase skills Magic Level 1 shrine, plaque on West wall: "Seeker of the mysterious arts, speak Mu Ahm, the mantra of Truth."
om cah Increase skills Practical Level 1 shrine, plaque on North wall: "Seeker of the mastery of practical skills, speak Om Cah, the mantra of Love."
fal Increase skill Acrobatics Level 3 cave of wonder, book: "Speaking FAL increases one's nimbleness and tumbling."
hunn Increase skill Appraisal Level 2 far east room, scroll: "To better gauge the quality of a deal, chant HUNN."
ra Increase skill Attack Level 2 room Northeast of central hub, scroll: "Speak the mantra RA to see thy blows land with greater effectiveness."
gar Increase skill Axe Level 4, Kyle: "The mantra GAR will allow thee to wield an axe with greater skill."
sol Increase skill Casting Level 6 library, book: "The SOL Mantra: A Useful Shortcut to Magical Power"
un Increase skill Charm Level 2 room in spider/rat area, scroll: "It is said that chanting UN will allow one to make better deals."
anra Increase skill Defense Level 3 room in red lizardman area, plaque: "To protect thyself, use the ANRA chant."
lahn Increase skill Lore Level 5 tombs, scroll: "Chanting LAHN helps one to identify one's possessions."
koh Increase skill Mace Level 4, Cecil: "If thou dost use blunt weapons, the mantra KOH will be of use."
imu Increase skill Mana Level 6 ledge in Southwest of Vilus domain, scroll: "Many mages have found that the IMU mantra has increased their magical stamina."
fahm Increase skill Ranged Level 4, Meredith: "Chanting the mantra FAHM will make thy arrows fly true."
aam Increase skill Picklock Level 5 High State Chamber Northeast corner, book: "Thief's Guide volume 1
Picking Locks--What Bellowing AAM Won't Tell You"
lon Increase skill Repair Level 2, Shak: "Well, there's no substitute for practice, but I've heard tell that the mantra LON may help ye to repair items with more skill. Now, can I do anything else for ye?"
lu Increase skill Search Level 2 skeleton fortress, scroll: "For better eyesight, use the mantra LU."
mul Increase skill Stealth Level 5 room next to shrine, book: "Thief's Guide volume 2
Stealth--What to do After MUL"
amo Increase skill Sword Level 4, Doris: "Use the mantra AMO to increase thy swordfighting ability."
ono Increase skill Swimming Level 3 Zak's room, scroll: "To swim better, chant the ONO mantra."
sahf Increase skill Tracking Level 3 room North from green lizardman area, book: "Speak SAHF to gain tracking."
romm Increase skill Traps Level 5 East side of undead maze, book: "Thief's Guide volume 4
Traps--Beyond ROMM to Nuts and Bolts"
ora Increase skill Unarmed Level 3 central shrine, on plaque: "ORA, the Mantra of Unarmed combat, helps the unfortunate."
insahm Locate Artifact Cup of Wonder assembled from visions had after inhaling incense
fanlo Manifest Artifact Key of Truth Level 6, library book found after reporting to Illomo about Gurstang

† – Bears ostensible relation to an extant Britannian mantra
‡ – Specifically listed as a "mantra of the desperate"