Ultima VII (SNES) walkthrough
The following is a walkthrough through the main quest of the SNES-port of Ultima VII. No sub-quests are solved here and no item tips are given, this is the pure main quest solution. In order to solve the dungeons (which are at least 50% of the game), see Dungeon solutions for Ultima VII (SNES).
This walkthrough was originally written by MiLk and heavily modified to comply with the quality standards of the Codex.
Starting Equipment[edit]
These are the buildings in Trinsic that hold your starting equipment, as you start with nothing at all:
- Mace – basement of the SW house
- Leather armour – Conner's basement
- Wooden shield – Conner's basement
- Helmet – inside the dock house (outside the south exit of Trinsic)
- Leather boots – Spark’s basement
There also is a way to not get killed quickly in the wilderness (the starting vitality is ridiculously low). Beat the slimes in Conner’s basement with a low level weapon so they duplicate constantly. The slimes cannot hurt you, but you kill them constantly. If you do kill them, exit end re-enter to force a respawn and then continue. This should give several experience levels with minimal danger.
Start in Trinsic[edit]

The adventure starts in Trinsic where you arrive, and pretty much are locked into the city until you solve a crime case. The city itself is safe, danger only lurks in the basement of houses.
Right at the beginning, talk to Iolo, ask him about Crime. Next talk to Finnigan, the mayor, and ask him about Crime. Talk to Spark next, ask him about Crime, Note and everything else on the list. Now talk to Klog; ask him about Crime, Eliza and Abraham.
Talk to everyone else in Town. The following people need to be squeezed dry of answers:
Finally talk to Finnigan again, and give your Report. Tell him it was Hook who did the crime. Get the password Blackbird for leaving Trinsic. Talk to the gate guard and give him the password of Blackbird. Go to the gate and hit Y to open the gate. Now you should head to Britain (Skip Paws for now), since there is something very important to get. Now that the gate is open, you can almost go anywhere in Britannia. This makes locating where to go next, kind of difficult, so they made a way to reference the next area you should go. You will find that every new place you go mentions the "next" location of Eliza and Abraham. This is how to pick up the plot if you get lost.
- TRINSIC – Klog says they went to Britain.
- BRITAIN – Batlin says Minoc. You need to become a Fellowship member.
- MINOC – Elynor tells you they have gone to Paws.
- PAWS – learn from Samuel they have gone to Britain.
- BRITAIN – once you finish Destard, Batlin says they have gone to Vesper.
- VESPER – Cador says they have gone to Moonglow.
- MOONGLOW – Rankin says they have gone to Terfin.
- TERFIN – Quan says they have gone to the Meditation Retreat.
- MEDITATION RETREAT – Crispin says they have gone to Buccaneer's Den.
- BUCCANEER'S DEN – Danag says they are at the house of games.
As you can see, if looked closer at, the game is strictly linear.
Entering the Followship[edit]
First thing after reaching Britain is to enter the castle, then talk to Lord British. Learn about Something to get the spell book from him. Also ask about Batlin to know more about the Fellowship. Now you can do magic, which is very important, otherwise you cannot proceed. Talk to Chuckles next. Play the game and of course win it, then read scroll he gave you twice. You discover that you need to join the Fellowship (big surprise).
Since you now know this, go to Batlin in nearby Britain and ask him to join the Fellowship. Get the package from him to take to Elynor in Minoc. Also ask Batlin about Eliza and Abraham. You can open package from Batlin and read scroll – that is optional. Do not worry about opening the package, you won't be penalized.
Buy the magic boat from Clint, so that you can do sea travel from now on. While you are there, ask Clint about Crown Jewel.
On the way to Minoc, make a small detour to Cove. Talk to Rudyom in Cove in order to learn about his Wand. Find and read his notebook to learn more and realize you need the thing he threw away into a cave. Retrieve his wand from the nearby Swamp Cave, north of his house. (solution not given here)
Once that is done, continue to Minoc. Talk with anyone in Minoc (except Nathan). Ask them all about Kidnappings. Then talk with Nathan and ask about Kidnappings. Take the knife (serpentine dagger) once you have done so.
Now about the package, talk with Elynor and deliver the package. If you opened it or not is irrelevant.
Finally, talk to Felipa the gypsy. Get you fortune told, but do not make fun of her speech! Be sure to ask her about Emps.
Return to Britain and talk to Batlin. He now sends you to Dungeon Destard. Find the entrance near Paws by walking W from SW most house. (solution not given here) Search the chest in the center of the dungeon and you will find it to be empty. That step is needed to become a Fellowship member. Return to Britain and speak to Batlin so that you can finally join without further hassle.
Talking to the Wisp[edit]
For the next step you need to get into contact with the wisps, which is not that easy. Go to Empath Abbey and talk to Taylor the monk. Buy a smoke bomb from him. Learn about Emps, Wisps, and honey from him. You need honey for the Emps from the bee cave, but first you need to do something else.
Go to the nearby High Court and read the records. You learn much more about Hook that way. Go to nearby prison next and Talk to the prisoner D'Rel – ask about Hook. You learn that he lives on Buccaneer's Den – which is not that big of a surprise.
Now for the honey and Emps. Enter the bee cave and get enough honey – search the honeycombs to get it. (solution not given here) With honey in your inventory, talk to the emps in the forest. To find them, walk east from about 3 or 4 paces south of the graveyard. Ask the emps about Wisps. Give them honey in order to get the magic lantern that attracts wisps at night.
At night – with Lantern in the inventory – talk to wisps. To find them, walk north from the west side of the emps’ campfire. Be sure to walk slowly and to go at night. You will hear the music change, then you will see a little blue diamond shape. This is a wisp! Talk to it and learn about Information. They send you on a quest for Alagner's Notebook. Alagner lives on New Magincia.
Getting the Notebook[edit]
Use your boat to reach New Magincia, then talk to Alagner. Learn about Notebook and agree to seek the true knowledge, and to return with the answers from Cain in Skara Brae.
Go to Skara Brae, only to learn things are not that easy.
Trying to talk with the inhabitants, you realize they ignore you except for Beynard. Talk with Mistress Mordra in the northwest part of town; she tells you how to rid the town of the liche Rudolfo. Trent the Blacksmith was working on a magic cage, and you need to get Trent to remember Rowena so he will finish the cage. Mordra casts Shade Speak so you can finally talk to the people of Skara Brae.
Talk to Cain, the Apothecary in the southeast area of town. Get the magic formula. Talk with Trent next and get the music box. Now find Rowena in basement of house west of the graveyard, and trade the music box for her ring. Talk with Trent again and trade Rowena's ring for the magic cage. Now attack and defeat Rudolfo. Pick up his bones (they automatically go into the magic cage).
Now to get rid of him permanently. Put the magic cage into the well: press Y to look into the well. Press the R button to move the highlight box to the right side of screen. Put the highlight box on cage, and press A or B to put the cage into the well. Then, press the START button to exit the well. Finally, use the magic formula by pressing START while standing next to the well, then press Y when the highlight box is on the formula.
Now that Rudolfo is eliminated, talk to Horance. Than talk to Cain and ask about Answers. Go back to New Magincia and talk to Alagner. Tell him the Answers. Ask about the Notebook – it is in Dungeon Sagatious, with the entrance in his basement. (solution not given here) Get and read the notebook.

Talk to wisps near Yew. Show them the notebook and you find out about the Time Lord. The wisps will activate your Orb of the Moons. Use your Orb of the Moons and walk through the gate. Talk to Time Lord and find out about Ether. He tells you to see Penumbra, and that Alagner has been kidnapped.
Helping Penumbra[edit]
Reach Moonglow and buy the potion of Awakening from the apothecary in the SW part of town. It will set you back about 1000 gold pieces, but is needed. Next find Penumbra, she is in the basement of the house in the northwestern part of Moonglow. Give her the potion (talk to her to do so). Find out about the talisman in Vesper mine which she needs to be of any help to you.
Retrieve the blackrock necklace from Vesper mine. You can reach the mine by taking the road west from Vesper and following the signs to the Mine (S then E). (solution is not given here) Once you got the necklace, give it to Penumbra. Now she is coherent, so find out about Tetrahedron Generator and Ethereal Ring. She tells you to see Draxinusom on Terfin to get the ring.
Draxinusom however does not have it on his person and sends you to Dungeon of Unknown Fears on Spektran, where ring is.
Go to dungeon of Unknown Fears on Spektran using your boat. The entrance to the dungeon is in the building with the sign saying "Keep Out". In there, move the plant in the southeastern corner of the east room to expose the switch that will open a way into the room with the ladder. (solution not given here) Defeat the stone harpy and get the Ethereal Ring.
Return to Penumbra. She enchants the ring and send you to the next quest.
First Generator[edit]
Time to destroy the generators that give the Guardian power on Britannia. Thanks to the ring you already have the means to destroy the first one. So go to Janus Island, where the first generator is located inside the Dungeon Deceit. (solution not given here)
In Dungeon Deceit put the Ethereal Ring in one hand (equip it in the A or B hand). Then defeat the Ethereal Monster (the big red monster) with a plain, non-magical blade weapon (serpentine sword works best). Magic weapons will not be sufficient. Potions of invincibility or ghosts will help! Use the amethyst key on the door in the top right of the monster's room to get to Tetrahedron Generator.
Destroy the Tetrahedron Generator by standing by it with the Ethereal Ring equipped and press Y.
Once that is done, leave for Moonglow. Penumbra tells you that Time Lord needs to see you.
Second Generator[edit]
Use your Orb of the Moons to talk to the Time Lord – he says that you must retrieve the magic hourglass from Dungeon Sutek to combat the Sphere Generator.
Thus go to Terfin, where Dungeon Sutek is located immediately northwest of Silamo’s house: on the east side of Terfin, past the mountains. (solution not given here) Retrieve the hourglass from room with two dragons – invincibility or invisibility potions will help you stay alive long enough to defeat them.
Once you have it, go to Yew next and enter the Dungeon Despise. To find it, start at door on eastern wall of the courthouse and walk straight east, using a spell to get over the river. Just past the river, head north a few steps to find the entrance. (solution not given here)
Defeat the Sphere Generator by standing next to it and press Y. Once it is destroyed, use the Orb to talk to Time Lord again – he tells you about Cube Generator. He tells you that you must get the caddelite helmet to defeat the final generator.
Third Generator[edit]
Talk to Zorn in Minoc. He tells you the caddelite helmet is in Dungeon Covetous.
When you first come in to Minoc from the south, there is a single small house made of grey stone. Stand next to the door and use the Levitate-spell to float east across two sets of hills. Just north you will be at the entrance to the Dungeon Covetous. Alternatively, you can walk around the mountains.
Get the helmet in Dungeon Covetous on level 2: there is a single square room with a rock in it and a gazer. Beat the gazer for the exit key and lift the rock with the Lifting-spell to get the helmet. Then reach Serpent’s Hold next and go to the Dungeon of Serpents. You will need to equip the caddelite helmet before entering the Dungeon of the Serpent, or you will not be able to stay alive when you enter. The entrance is off to the west of Serpent's Hold. (solution not given here)
Defeat the Cube Generator – stand next to it and press Y. Then go to the Time Lord a final time, who tells you to go to Buccaneer's Den and to wield the cube in your hand.
Buccaneer's Den[edit]
Do not go into the House of Games! Danag is lying about Hook – it is a trap! Go into the building south of the Fellowship Hall and go downstairs. Talk to Hofa with the little cube in your hand. You must equip it in your A or B hand so that it works its magic. Ask about Hook twice and he'll give you the key to Hook's room.
In Hook's room, find:
- Black Gate key – take it!
- Hit list scroll – read it.
- Crown Jewel navigation notes – read it.
That was enlightening.
Isle of the Avatar[edit]
Go to the Isle of the Avatar, your final destination. Follow the shoreline all the way to the northern end of the island, and you will see the dungeon entrance of Hythloth among the hills. Enter the dungeon. Use the Black Gate key to get inside the first door. (solution not given here)
Find Hook, Forskis, Eliza and Abraham. The Guardian tells them to attack you and they do attack. Defeat them, which is surprisingly easy. Get the Guardian key from Batlin when he disappears. Go through the door into Black Gate room. Place the little generators (you got these automatically) on pedestals around Black Gate to stop the force field
The Guardian will come on screen and taunt you. Ignore him and instead destroy the Black Gate with Rudyom’s wand.
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