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Rudolfo, from Ultima VII
Species: ghost
Ultima VII
Description: Liche
Location: Skara Brae

Rudolfo is a character unique to the Super Nintendo-port of Ultima VII. He is a liche possessing the body of the Skara Braen magician, Horance.


Rudolfo came to Skara Brae some years before the Avatar's return, blighting the city and killing its inhabitants. During his reign of evil, he kidnapped Rowena, the lovely wife of Trent, the blacksmith – which left the man too overcome with grief to complete the magical cage he had been working on to bind the foul spirit.[1]

Eventually, however, the Avatar came to the desolate isle and managed to rouse Trent into completing the cage, allowing the hero to slay the liche and banish him from the material plane. Upon doing so, the hero was greeted by the finally freed Horance, who had been serving as a host for the wicked entity for many years.[2]


  1. MordraUltima VII SNES transcriptUltima VII. "Rudolfo, Skara Brae, Trent".
  2. HoranceUltima VII SNES transcriptUltima VII. "imprisonment?".