Dungeon of Unknown Fears

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Dungeon of Unknown Fears
Location of the Dungeon of Unknown Fears
Located in: Britannia
Type: dungeon

The Dungeon of Unknown Fears is a dungeon unique to the Super Nintendo port of Ultima VII.


Located on the Isle of Spektran, the Dungeon of Unknown Fears was the resting place of Lord Draxinusom's Ethereal Ring. The Gargish noble had hidden it there after his people had been forced to flee their settlement on the island due to encroaching monsters. Needing the ring that they might penetrate the defenses of the Tetrahedron Generator, the Avatar was forced to brave the depths of this dark cavernous place, braving numerous Stone Harpies which guarded its depths, and navigating its winding and often confusing passageways.[1]

Should the hero have previously garnered Burnside's favor by exposing Owen's incompetence, the wayfaring champion would also know that a passage existed near this dungeons entrance which lead to the a Secret Dungeon, which interlinked the various dungeons of the realm.[2]


  1. DraxinusomUltima VII SNES transcriptUltima VII. "Ethereal Ring, Terfin, treasures".
  2. BurnsideUltima VII SNES transcriptUltima VII. "information".

Caves of the SNES-Port of Ultima VII
Caves The CryptsSagatiousScorpion CaveSerpentsSutek’s dungeonUndertakerUnknown Fears