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While the encyclopedic nature of the codex means that many pages will have information that could spoil some minor aspects of the game for newer players, this page is known to contain information that provides major spoilers to elements of game plots, quests, and/or puzzles.

Continue reading at your own discretion.

Invisibility Rings[edit]

Ultima V[edit]


Invisibility Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima V:

Ultima VI[edit]


Invisibility Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima VI:

Ultima Underworld[edit]


Invisibility Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima Underworld:

  • The gold Ring of Invisibility is found on Garamon’s remains on level eight and never runs out of charges.

Ultima VII[edit]


Invisibility Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima VII:

  • Empath Abbey, in a crate near the wine press at 84°N 62°W.
  • In the vault of the mad "Sultan" Martingo on Spektran.
  • Three in a drawer on the upper floor of Selwyn's Tower at 7°N 50°W.
  • Yew, past the bee cave, under a rock at 61°N 66°W.
  • On Salamon's tree at 61°N 12°E.
  • Behind the shutters in Marney's crypt, Skara Brae cemetery.
  • On a mage in the conference room of Selwyn's hideout.
  • In the secret room at the side of Marney's crypt, Skara Brae cemetery.
  • In the hidden room on the island north of Jhelom at 117°S 44°W.
  • Dungeon Destard, in a chest at 80°S 19°W.
  • In a chest in the mine north of Minoc at 88°N 54°E.
  • Desert Dungeon, guarded by a drake at 67°N 121°E.
  • On the ground in the pirate's treasure cave at 169°S 28°E.
  • Inside a chest in the pirate's treasure cave at 169°S 28°E.
  • Ambrosia, inside a chest in the pirate camp at 77°N 196°E.
  • Ambrosia, on a corpse at 80°N 179°E.
  • In the reward chest south of Trinsic at 128°S 3°W (key is found nearby).
  • Isle of the Avatar, Dragon Treasure at 161°S 191°E.

Ultima Underworld II[edit]

Invisibility Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima Underworld II:

Ultima VII Part Two[edit]


Invisibility Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima VII Part Two:

Protection Rings[edit]

Ultima V[edit]


Protection Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima V:

Ultima VI[edit]


Protection Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima VI:

  • Buccaneer's Cave, on a dead body on the 2nd floor.
  • Castle Britannia, it is worn by Lord British. (stealing, since the spell Pickpocket is needed to get it)
  • On a corpse in a small area in the sewers under the castle, reached by ascending the easternmost ladder on level 3.
  • In the dungeon Deceit, on the mage's body in the cave with 3 bodies.
  • In dungeon Destard.
  • Moonglow, inside one of the chests in the west room of the lowest level deep within the Moonglow Catacombs below the city.
  • Moonglow, inside one of the crypts of the Moonglow catacombs below the city.
  • Dungeon Despise, 2nd floor (two of them).
  • Dungeon Despise, 3rd floor.

Ultima Underworld[edit]


Protection Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima Underworld:

  • The red ring of Resist Blows is found in the bandit's storage room on the third level, worn by a bandit in the western room. Can be bought with some gold.

Ultima VII[edit]


Protection Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima VII:

  • Under some debris of a camp fire, inside a cave, south of the Shipwright Owen in Minoc.
  • In the vault of the mad "Sultan" Martingo on Spektran.
  • Selwyn's hideout, on a table in the room with the dead mage (20°S 36°W).
  • Three in a drawer on the upper floor of Selwyn's Tower at 7°N 50°W.
  • Inside a box in a forest located at 92°N 48°W.
  • On a plant in the middle of a swamp at 82°N 39°W (inaccessible without Hack Mover).
  • Two in the secret room at the side of Marney's crypt, Skara Brae cemetery.
  • Cave south of Jhelom, in a bag at 172°S 60°W.
  • In the hidden room on the island north of Jhelom at 117°S 44°W.
  • In the reward chest south of Trinsic at 128°S 3°W (key is found nearby).
  • On the Isle of Fire, inside a chest in the Test of Truth at 24°S 128°E.
  • Inside a chest in the pirate's treasure cave at 169°S 28°E.
  • Ambrosia, inside a chest in the pirate camp at 77°N 196°E.
  • Isle of the Avatar, Dragon Treasure at 161°S 191°E.

Ultima Underworld II[edit]


Protection Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima Underworld II:

  • The Ring of Protection is found on the first level of Anodunos, after falling off the dam control and finding a cave next to the water channel. It has unlimited use.

Ultima VII Part Two[edit]


Protection Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima VII Part Two:

  • On the guard's corpse who lies the most southern at the throne room in the Dream Realm.

Regeneration Rings[edit]

Ultima V[edit]


Regeneration Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima V:

Ultima VI[edit]


Regeneration Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima VI:

  • Castle Britannia, it is worn by Lord British. (Stealing, since the spell Pickpocket is needed to get it)
  • In the dungeon Deceit, on the mage's body in the cave with 3 bodies.
  • In the dungeon Destard.
  • Moonglow, inside one of the chests in the west room of the lowest level deep within the Moonglow catacombs below the city.
  • Dungeon Despise, 1st floor.
  • Dungeon Despise, 2nd floor.
  • Dungeon Despise, 3rd floor.

Ultima Underworld[edit]


Regeneration Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima Underworld:

  • The silver Ring of Regeneration is found on a small island surrounded by lava in the western parts of level eight.

Ultima VII[edit]


Regeneration Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima VII:

  • Lock Lake, behind one of the houses, inside a dead fox, inside a dead mouse.
  • In the vault of the mad "Sultan" Martingo on Spektran.
  • In the vault of Alagner's storehouse.
  • Three in a drawer on the upper floor of Selwyn's Tower at 7°N 50°W.
  • In the dungeon Deceit, inside the dragon room at 25°N 178°E.
  • In the dungeon Deceit, on a pedestal at 11°N 177°E.
  • On the Isle of Fire, in the Test of Truth at 52°S 112°E.
  • In the secret room at the side of Marney's crypt, Skara Brae cemetery.
  • In the Spirit Tunnels, in a bag at 64°S 46°W.
  • In the hidden room on the island north of Jhelom at 117°S 44°W.
  • In the reward chest south of Trinsic at 128°S 3°W (key is found nearby).
  • In dungeon Destard, in a bag at 79°S 14°W.
  • In the locked chest at the end of the Cyclops Cave at 30°S 52°E.
  • Terfin, in Quaeven's nightstand at 168°S 114°E.
  • On the ground in the pirate's treasure cave at 169°S 28°E.
  • In the Buccaneer's Cave, inside a chest at 78°S 88°E.
  • Isle of the Avatar, Dragon Treasure at 161°S 191°E.
  • Dungeon Hythloth, on a corpse near the Throne of Change at 141°S 166°E.
  • Dungeon Hythloth, mage near the Throne of Change at 136°S 165°E.

Ultima Underworld II[edit]


Regeneration Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima Underworld II:

  • The Ring of Regeneration is found on the third level of Loth's tomb in the center behind a secret door. It is the only one but never runs out of charges.

Ultima VII Part Two[edit]


Regeneration Rings may be found at the following locations in Ultima VII Part Two: