Buccaneer’s Booty

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Buccaneer’s Booty
Buccaneers Booty.png
CollapseUltima VI
Type: armoury
Location: Buccaneer's Den
Shopkeeper: Enrik
Ultima V
Buccaneer’s Booty, from Ultima V
Location: Buccaneer's Den
Shopkeeper: Kitiara

Buccaneer’s Booty is an armoury on the secluded settlement of Buccaneer's Den, headquarters of pirates and other assorted thugs. This establishment appears during Ultima V and Ultima VI.


During the tyrannical regime of Lord Blackthorn, this shop was established to replace the closed-down Basic Armour and Hook's Arms shops, and was owned by Kitiara in Ultima V. Two decades later, as the Gargoyle War raged in the Realm of Britannia during Ultima VI, the shop had a new owner; the horribly scarred Enrik.

The shop closed down sometime in the following centuries, and by Ultima VII, weapons and armour were instead sold by Budo the Fourth.


Ultima V[edit]

Prices in Ultima V are as follows:[1]

Weapons Cost
Armour Cost
U5-weapon.gif Dagger 1 U5-helm.gif Leather helm 15
U5-weapon.gif Main gauche 15 U5-armour.png Leather 50
U5-weapon.gif Short sword 40 U5-ring.png Ring of Invisibility 450
U5-weapon.gif Flaming oil 5

Ultima VI[edit]

Prices in Ultima VI are as follows:[2]

Weapons Cost
Armour Cost
ClubU6.PNG Club 10 ClothArmourU6.PNG Cloth armour 20
DaggerU6.PNG Dagger 10 LeatherArmourU6.PNG Leather armour 40
MainGaucheU6.PNG Main gauche 25 LeatherHelmU6.PNG Leather helm 10
FlaskofOillU6.PNG Oil flask 4
ThrowingAxeU6.PNG Throwing axe 20

In general, these weapons and armour can be sold to the shop for 50% of the buying price (rounded down).

The Ultima 6 Project[edit]

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related NPC article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

In The Ultima 6 Project, Enrik was the only blacksmith willing to accept weapons and armour that clearly were from the army of Britannia – therefore most likely gained by criminal means. He did not care where the wares came from and acted as the local fence.
