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Enrik the Hammer
Enrik the Hammer, from Ultima VI
Species: human
CollapseUltima VI
Location: Buccaneer's Den
Transcript: Enrik
The Ultima 6 Project
Enrik, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Buccaneer's Den

Enrik the Hammer is a blacksmith at Buccaneer’s Booty in Buccaneer's Den in Ultima VI.


The Avatar found Enrik a slow witted man covered in old scars. The blacksmith had earned his nickname 'Hammer' through his strong left arm, which he used to supply the buccaneers of the island with arms and armour. Quick to anger, he threatened the Avatar when questioned, and could be found in the evenings fighting at the local tavern, too busy to talk with the hero.[1]

The Ultima 6 Project[edit]

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related NPC article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

In The Ultima 6 Project, Enrik was the only blacksmith willing to accept weapons and armour that clearly were from the army of Britannia. He did not care where the wares came from and acted as the local fence.


  1. Enrik. Ultima VI transcriptUltima VI. "name, job, buy, hamm, good".