Dream Realm

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The martian Dream World

The Dream Realm is one or many domains of unconscious reality encountered in various forms in Martian Dreams and Ultima VII Part Two.


A person's psyche may be quite literally transported there whilst in a slumber, whether natural or induced by other means. It has generally taken the appearance of large, floating landmasses or pathways and often contains dream analogs of actual environments found in the physical world. Other people may be found there simultaneously experiencing their own dreams and can be veritably interacted with as if they were face-to-face.


In Martian Dreams, the Realm was accessed through the Dream Machines. The martian race had fled there when a catastrophy had made their world uninhabitable. In 1893 several desperate martians had lured people to use the dream machines and took over their bodies, locking the human souls in the realm. It fell to the Avatar to rescue those stranded in their dreams. The hero then undertook the task of defeating the evil Raxachk, who had taken control over the realm itself. It was also there that the Avatar found a way to destroy him.

While the Colored Planes in Ultima Underworld II also allowed dreamers to interact with them, that area was part of the Ethereal Void and not directly related to the Dream Realm.

In Ultima VII Part Two, the Avatar was transported to the Dream Realm through a rift in Gorlab Swamp and liberated the souls of the inhabitants of old Gorlab, who had been trapped in there for centuries, from the tyranny of the evil mage Rabindrinath, enabling passage through the boggy marshes upon reawakening.


There can be no precise explanation of the way the Dream Machines operated. They were able, somehow, to carry one's conscious self from the body into a realm of dreams and nightmares. According to the Avatar, you could often affect the outcome of these dreams in interesting ways.
When I next opened my eyes, I found myself in a strange, dark place. It seemed as though the path upon which 1 was lying was floating among the stars. Bizarre creatures winked in and out of sight, and in the air I could just catch the whisper of music. In the distance I could see the outline of a building. I cautiously stood and made my way to it.


Martian Dreams[edit]

Ultima VII Part Two[edit]
