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Auctioneer, from Martian Dreams
Species: human
CollapseMartian Dreams
Location: Dream-World
Transcript: Auctioneer

The Auctioneer is a fabrication of the mind of Wyatt Earp during his nightmare in Martian Dreams.


This fast-talking gentleman moderated the auction between the Avatar and Ike Clanton for Earp, in his dream-guise of "Marshall," a charcoal-grey horse. Also available for auction were a beautiful (but speechless) black stallion named Pistol, as well as the infamous talking brown horse known as Smith.[1][2]

Once the Avatar had won the auction, the Auctioneer vanished, leaving Wyatt Earp to stew over the fact that he'd ended up nearly being sold to Ike Clanton.[3]



  1. Auctioneer. Martian Dreams transcriptMartian Dreams. "horse, grey, black, brown".
  2. Ike ClantonMartian Dreams transcriptMartian Dreams. "grey, black, brown, name, job".
  3. Wyatt EarpMartian Dreams transcriptMartian Dreams. "Ike Clanton".