Key locations in Ultima VII Part Two

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The number of keys in Ultima VII Part Two is simply astounding. It is next to impossible to keep inventory. Fortunately, the game does have a keyring feature, which allows easy carrying of all the keys and trying all at once on a locked door. In order to not confuse the keys, here a complete overview, complete with notes about special properties of said keys.

The list is most likely not entirely complete, with some keys probably still missing.


Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
U7key1.png Lord Marsten after becoming a knight of Monitor
Spektor after bribing him with 30 Monetari
Iolo’s prison cell Since Iolo is needed on the quest, take one of the options to get the key to free him.
SIkey5.png On Luther's corpse either after killing him or after the Bane massacre Doors to the list field Killing Luther for that affords no advantage.
U7key13.png On Simon's body after exposing and killing him The door and the rooms of the inn That means free usage of the rooms of the inn.
SIkey1.png On Simon's body after exposing and killing him His chest in the inn
U7key21.png On Simon's body after exposing and killing him The door in the goblin caves to the Western Forest
U7key1.png Given by Lucilla after questioning Spektor and Lord Marsten in jail Door to their secret storehouse beyond the illusionary mountainside south of the Crematorium Both need to be convicted of treason to question them.

Knight's Test[edit]

Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
U7key1.png Chest in room with gremlins (smash open) Door further down the corridor
SIkey1.png On top of the obelisk in the room with the boulders (build staircase to get it) Door to the south with cyclops
U7key22.png On cyclops after killing him The door leading to the east
SIkey5.png Room in the east after illusionary corridor Door near the potion bag
Door in the north leading to the next test
U7key13.png In the corridor just outside the rat room The first locked door to the west in the main corridor
U7key21.png In the rat room The second locked door to the west in the main corridor
U7key24.png On totem animal after slaying it The exit door
SIkey3.png Shmed is carrying it The chest with the equipment in his house In order to get this key, Shmed has to be killed. But that has to happen anyway.

Western Forest[edit]

Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
SIkey2.png On Pomdirgun's corpse after killing him The treasure room in the caves Since you do need the Helm of Courage and the evidence against Lord Marsten and Spektor, you need the key.
SIkey2.png Pomdirgun's hut, inside the crate with the burst arrows The prison hut holding Johnson


Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
SIkey2.png Drawers inside Lady Yelinda's house east of the throne room Upper doors to the throne room for easier access
Doors to Fawn's Serpent Gate
U7key13.png Desk in the prison under the palace All of the prison doors
U7key1.png Given by Jendon if renting a room Opens rooms in the the Broken Oar Rooms will never be re-locked; discard key
Renting unnecessary, since the key is available after Dupre’s arrest
U7key20.png Given by Alyssand after the first day of the trial The doors leading to the Oracle of Fawn

Inn of the Sleeping Bull[edit]

Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
SIkey3.png Inside the hollow tree at the south fence of the inn Invisible chest on top of monolith at the northern fence Staircase needs built to reach it.
U7key1.png Given by Devra if renting a room Opens the rentable room Rooms will never be re-locked; discard key
U7key16.png Tunnels under the inn, second chest from the bottom in room of many switches Access to Silverpate’s treasure in the far north near the Temple of Logic Needed to get the balance blackrock serpent
U7key14.png Chest in secret room north of wine cellar (pull lever between barrels) Prison cells in the caves
U7key13.png Chest next to the Serpent Gate Door to the exit teleporter (making gate usage easy)
SIkey1.png Selina after allowing her to join you Doors to the Royal Mint Needed to get the gold bars
U7key17.png Found in Selina's backpack after joining you, or dropped when she vanishes Secret back door into Spinebreaker
U7key1.png Given by pikeman in Bull Tower after bribing with a gold bar The cell of Captain Hawk Need to free Hawk to go to Moonshade.


Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
U7key3.png Chest in Columna’s house Door to the basement
U7Key7.png Basement of Columna's house Chest in her garden with the Comb of Beauty Since the comb is needed later, you do need to get this key very badly.
SIkey6.png Stefano's house Does not open anything
U7key1.png Torrissio's house house on the mantle Does not open anything
U7key4.png Pothos' house, hidden by the desk and the chair His storeroom with much magical loot, as well as all chests and doors in his shop/house
U7key3.png Desk in the ranger fort Door just up the stairs to enter storage area
U7key8.png Palace of the MageLord, bedroom, hidden under potted plant near chimney Treasure chests inside the vault of the palace
U7key20.png Chest in Rotoluncia's house Nearby cage with her naga servants
U7key4.png Island hideaway of Rotoluncia and Filbercio, inside drawers on the upper floor Door to the torture chamber in the basement
U7key8.png Corpse of Rotoluncia after killing her Prison door to free the captured companion
U7key8.png Corpse of Rotoluncia after killing her Door to teleporter back to the palace
Exit door of teleporter at the palace
U7key1.png Given by Petra if renting a room Opens rooms in the the Blue Boar Inn Rooms will never be re-locked; discard key
SIkey5.png Hollow tree at 83°S 101°E Opens doors to Stefano's old home, but not the shed
SIkey7.png Drawers in Stefano's old house Chests in the house with magical scrolls
U7key13.png Frigidazzi’s house, hidden under a flower vase Access to her cold room
U7key24.png Drawers in Fridigdazzi's bedroom Magelord's Palace doors
U7key1.png Julia at the ranger fort, after transcribing the Chill-spell and bribing her with 40 guilders The doors to the Catacombs Needed to leave Moonshade.
U7key1.png Given by Stefano, after defending him from the Death Knight after the Bane massacre Door to his shed, where he stores the Order Blackrock Serpent, also opens doors to his old house Urgently needed

Isles of the Mad Mage and Monk Isle[edit]

Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
U7key21.png Given by Erstam after completing Boydon The shed containing the serpent jawbone Needed to fulfill Erstam's quest
U7key3.png Found inside a hollow tree in western swamp ruin on Monk Isle Door down the stairs to some Ophidian ruins Magical loot
U7key5.png Found inside a corpse in the Ophidian ruins from the stairs in the swamp The gate to stairs ascending to the eastern swamp ruins
U7key20.png Found on corpse (partially hidden by tree) in eastern swamp ruin on Monk Isle Door near the Ophidian ruins to the Serpent Gate

Mountains of Freedom[edit]

Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
U7key9.png Automaton in the starting room after destroying it Door to the automaton's room
Chest of the automaton
U7key20.png Bag in the first automaton's room Many doors in the dungeon
Door to mage laboratory after teleport
U7key1.png Bag on table after meeting Stefano The door further north to the teleporter
Doors in Lorthondo's throne room
U7key17.png Chest in Lorthondo's bedroom Exit to two-lever puzzle
U7key25.png Woman's corpse after the nightmare killed her Chest in the supply room for puzzle hint
U7key15.png Final Automaton (at the shop) after destroying it Duplicate of key found in chest Lorthondo's bedroom


Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
SIKeyfire.png On a body in the bath house Nothing This one is not an actual key yet! Do not put it onto the keyring, or the real key is lost!
SIKeyice.png On a corpse in the mushroom park in the southeast Nothing This one is not an actual key yet! Do not put it onto the keyring, or the real key is lost!
SIKeyblack.png By combining the keys of fire and ice in the great temple on the altar Opens the door in the temple to the teleporter leading to the Serpent Gate Can be put onto the keyring.
SIkey7.png In one of the cells of the arena Doors just east of the arena Needed to reach the test of Purity and the serpent gate.
U7key25.png Corpse in the western room of the library Door in library basement for many spell scrolls
U7key3.png Corpse of the troll king in the western caves after killing him (he uses a two-handed sword) The nearby storage room, containing the Serpent Staff Enter the chamber or risk triggering a bug.

Gorlab Swamp and Shamino's Castle[edit]

Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
U7key13.png Western of the bridge building just south of the swamp, partially hidden by southern wall The inner door of the cheat room on the Isles of the Mad Mage
U7key1.png Given by Lady Yelinda after healing her from her de-skinned condition after the Bane massacre The treasury of Fawn, holding the Serpent Armor
U7key1.png Rabindrinath's torture chamber on one corpse His bedroom
U7key2.png Rabindrinath's corpse after ending him with the three artifacts The chamber with the Dream Crystal
U7key20.png Invisible chest in the southern room of Shamino's Castle Storage room with more magical scrolls

Northern Passage[edit]

Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
U7key16.png Ghost of the bard Gannt at his grave beyond the portal The House of Wares in Knight's Forest Captain Stokes is here and a software pirate.


Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
U7key21.png Found on Vasculio's corpse after taking care of him The exit from his home into actual Skullcrusher
Exit door to the Ice Plains
SIkey6.png On furs in the armoury in the lower level Doors to teleporter to and from near Monitor Some crates are needed for stairs in and out of the fence-off area.


Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
U7key25.png Broken automaton in the starting corridor. Door to storage area in the west
U7key25.png Broken automaton in the starting corridor. Door in storage area in the west
U7key25.png Batlin's messenger-automaton at the start after being destroyed Door to the weapon chamber secret tunnel to the east into Spinebreaker
U7key25.png The automaton behind the closed door near the start Various minor doors in Spinebreaker
U7key26.png Temple library, on one of the tables Doors to the exit teleporters.
SIkey9.png Temple library, hidden by book on a desk Door to the book The Structure of Order Book needed to progress inSpinebreaker
U7key21.png On the corpse of a dead pirate after Deadeye’s corridor The doors leading to the back entrance to Spinebreaker Provides shortcut

Other Places in the Ice Plains[edit]

Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
SIkey3.png From the corpse of Hazard in his hunting lodge (after of course killing him) His chest, which contains the gwani locket for Yenani
U7key9.png Automaton Number Four after accusing and killing him at the Temple of Logic Door to the puzzle room
U7key1.png From the western room in the Temple of Logic, after solving the puzzle Doors to the water of logic You can also just cheat and cast Dispel Field on the force field protecting the key.
U7key1.png Western room on ground floor of Temple of Tolerance Cell doors in the basement, also frees Sethys
U7key1.png Treasure chamber in basement Temple of Tolerance (reach with Serpent Bond) Door to crank room to free Mortegro
U7key25.png Desk in Temple of Discipline, upper floor Fits all the locked doors in the temple

Castle of the White Dragon[edit]

Due to the confusing architecture, the floor is always stated.

Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
U7key2.png Under the whistle in the music room, ground floor Southern door of Mad Iolo's shooting gallery on the western side, ground floor
U7key1.png Corpse in potions lab, reached by secret door in mirror room, ground floor Unlocks the potions lab, ground floor
Unlocks door of the eastern side of the library, ground floor
SIkey8.png Western side of the library in drawers, ground floor Door to the weaving room, ground floor
U7key16.png Dining room (enter through secret door in kitchen) under a plate, ground floor Western door of the dining room into the ballroom, door south of the ballroom, trophy room southwest of ballroom, ground floor
Western room (with harpies) north of Mad Iolo's shooting range, ground floor
U7key24.png Drawers in the nursery, ground floor Door to bedroom west of the stairs, basement
U7key8.png Drawers in the eastern bedroom, basement Torture chamber, basement
U7key20.png Under wood debris in king's bedroom, basement Western door of the king's bedroom, basement

Sunrise Isle[edit]

Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
SIkey6.png Bag on western side of the shrine Chest in eastern part with serpent candle
U7key16.png Western puzzle room of the shrine Opens door in the room puzzle
SIKeyice.png Western puzzle room of the shrine Door in the eastern puzzle room to chaos cubes
SIKeyfire.png Eastern puzzle room of the shrine Door in the western puzzle room to order cubes

The Silver Seed[edit]

Key Where is it found What does it open Notes
U7key1.png Hidden behind two flower vases in the castle kitchen Secret door to Aram-Dol's lair through basement storeroom with three barrels
SIkey7.png On the corpse with the map in the abandoned outpost, where the troops got slaughtered Exit door to the east
U7key26.png On a rock and under a plank in the abandoned outpost in the room with the green pulsing lights Locked doors in the library to the west, corridor to body with rope
SIkey5.png Hidden in Aram-Dol's lair partially behind a pedestal after the first teleport Nearby door to an important lever
U7key16.png Hidden in secret room behind stone monolith through illusionary corridor Door to teleporter to next area
U7Key7.png Crypts area of Aram-Dol's lair, hidden partially at northern wall Exit stairwell from the crypts
SIkey6.png Aram-Dol's lair behind fake flames Door to the skeletal dragons area
SIkey5.png On Aram-Dol's cold corpse after killing him Door to his treasure chamber
U7key18.png On Aram-Dol's cold corpse after killing him Door to his throne room This makes things much shorter on the way back.
U7key24.png Solaria’s corpse after killing her Door to the surface to plant the Silver Seed
U7Key7.png Drusilla's corpse after killing her Door to the surface to plant the Silver Seed
U7key16.png Rieya’s corpse after killing her Door to the surface to plant the Silver Seed

Key Locations
Games Ultima VIUltima UnderworldUltima VIIUltima Underworld IIUltima VII Part TwoUltima VIIIUltima IX