Blink (Sosarian)

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This article is about the Sosarian spell. For the Britannian spell, see Blink.

CollapseUltima III
Name: Lib Rec
Class: prayers
Mana: 30
Command: G
Ultima II
Class: sorcery
Ultima I
Incantation: Ducis-Educo

The Sosarian arcane spell Blink, which was later turned into the divine spell Lib Rec, allows the caster to teleport to a random location within a dungeon level.

Spell Description[edit]

This spell is useful to escape tight situations or when the way seems to be a dead end. However, as the goal of this teleportation cannot be chosen, the success of this spell is a gamble at best. However, this spell cannot transport the caster to another dungeon level. For this, other spells are needed. This spell was later replaced by the Britannian spell of the same name, Blink, which allows for teleportation outside of dungeons.

The arcane counterpart is Dag Acron, which does allow teleportation at the surface.


This is the most difficult of the spiritual movements. The planar motion allowed here must begin within a dungeon chamber. Lib Rec differs from the two previous supplications in the following way: Instead of the earth allowing thy physical form to pass, now thy form itself shall become translucent. As thou dost fade in one location thou shalt slowly appear in another.
To initiate this motion, speak the name of this invocation whilst circling thy staff above thy head. As thou stoppeth the spinning staff so wilt thy journey stop.
Blink randomly transports you to a new location on the same level.
The ability to be physically transported a short distance while underground.

See Also[edit]

Ultima I Spells
PrayerOpenUnlockMagic MissileStealLadder DownLadder Up
Wizards only: BlinkCreateDestroyKill
Ultima II Spells
Arcane BlinkKillMagic Missile
Divine PasswallPrayerSurface
Both Ladder UpLadder DownLight
Ultima III Spells
Arcane RepondMittarLorumDor AcronSur AcronFulgarDag AcronMentarDag LorumFal DiviNoxumDecorpAltairDag MentarNecorpP
Divine PontoriAppar UnemSanctuLuminaeRec SuRec DuLib RecAlcortSequituSominaeSanctu ManiViedaExcuunSurmandumZxkuqybAnju Sermani