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CollapseUltima III
Class: sorcery
Incantation: Manji Mula Nespon Levi Mittar Nopsen Alum Cavi
Mana: 5
Command: B
Ultima II
Name: Magic Missile
Class: sorcery
Ultima I
Name: Magic Missile

Mittar is the most basic arcane attack spell.

Spell Description[edit]

The arcane spell Mittar, in older times known as Magic Missile, is the most basic attack spell of the mage. Casting it hurls a magical projectile against a foe. It is not as powerful as the later attack spells, but it is effective against weaker foes. However, it is next to useless once the enemies get stronger and then should be left behind in favor of better enchantments.

The Magic Missile spell would go on to continue being a part of magic in Britannia as well.


Place upon thy palm and close in a strong fist any small projectile of wood or stone. Strike it once upon thy breast, while chanting the incantation of Mittar:


Hurl this talisman toward thine enemy. Magic in the form of a shimmering sphere of iridescent light will spring from thy hand to strike thy foe. The magic contained therein will enter his body and disrupt his life force. Depending on the skill and concentration invested in its conjuring, this spell can deliver the blow of an insolent child or a stalwart knight.
Magic Missile is an offensive weapon. Its strength is directly related to the strength of the wizard who casts the spell.
The ability to strike a foe with a blast of magical force. The more skilled and well equipped the spellcaster, the greater the damage inflicted by the blast.

See Also[edit]

Ultima I Spells
PrayerOpenUnlockMagic MissileStealLadder DownLadder Up
Wizards only: BlinkCreateDestroyKill
Ultima II Spells
Arcane BlinkKillMagic Missile
Divine PasswallPrayerSurface
Both Ladder UpLadder DownLight
Ultima III Spells
Arcane RepondMittarLorumDor AcronSur AcronFulgarDag AcronMentarDag LorumFal DiviNoxumDecorpAltairDag MentarNecorpP
Divine PontoriAppar UnemSanctuLuminaeRec SuRec DuLib RecAlcortSequituSominaeSanctu ManiViedaExcuunSurmandumZxkuqybAnju Sermani