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This article is about about a spell. For the magic class sometimes called “prayers”, see Sosarian magic § Magic Classes.

CollapseUltima I
Class: prayers
Incantation: Potentis-Laudis
Ultima II

The Sosarian spell Prayer has a range of effects intended to save a desperate mage from perishing.

Spell Description[edit]

Devised during the earliest Age of Darkness, the effects of spell vary greatly, calling for divine aid that manifests itself in various spell effects. By the time of Ultima II, these effects had consolidated in a deity coming to the cleric's aid, destroying the nearest enemy in a dungeon.

After that time, the spell fell into disuse.


The ability, when in dire straits, to call upon one's personal deity in hopes of finding a way out of a pressing dilemma. Should be used only when the spellcaster is in serious need of divine aid.
Prayer calls divine intervention to destroy your foe.
Ultima I Spells
PrayerOpenUnlockMagic MissileStealLadder DownLadder Up
Wizards only: BlinkCreateDestroyKill
Ultima II Spells
Arcane BlinkKillMagic Missile
Divine PasswallPrayerSurface
Both Ladder UpLadder DownLight