Fellowship movements in Ultima VII

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The following is a list of the various stops made by Elizabeth, Abraham, Hook, Forskis and the ship, the Crown Jewel, during the course of Ultima VII.

Locations Visited[edit]

  1. Trinsic: The Avatar arrives in Trinsic and is immediately faced with Christopher's murder. Klog will report that Elizabeth and Abraham were visiting Trinsic to deliver funds immediately before the blacksmith's murder, and that they were witness to his altercation with the man. They presumably left on the Crown Jewel along with Hook and Forskis when it left port. The hero can learn from Gargan that the ship had set sail for Britain.[1][2]
  2. Britain: Clint will claim that the Crown Jewel has not docked for Britain in some time, indicating that the ship has changed course. Batlin, however, will reveal that Elizabeth and Abraham recently passed through and left en route to Minoc, indicating that the group has likely split into two parties.[3][4]
  3. Minoc: Frederico and Tania are found murdered in the local sawmill. Elynor will mention that Elizabeth and Abraham were in the area, but that they have left for Paws. Rutherford will confirm the presence of the Crown Jewel and will cite it as having the same destination, as well as mentioning that Hook was seen in the vicinity. The quartet likely rejoins here.[5][6][7]
  4. Paws: Feridwyn confirms that Elizabeth and Abraham were in the area delivering the funds from Minoc, but that they have recently left on a missionary journey to Jhelom. No evidence can be found of the Crown Jewel having been in port. [8]
  5. Jhelom: Mayor Joseph mentions that Elizabeth and Abraham came to him seeking to establish branch offices in his city and that he is undecided as to how to rule upon this. He reports that they have returned to Britain. The Crown Jewel's trail remains cold.[9]
  6. Britain: Batlin mentions having seen Elizabeth and Abraham after their return from Jhelom, and mentions that they are now headed toward Vesper on a similar mission.[10][4]
  7. Vesper: Mayor Auston recounts how Elizabeth and Abraham petitioned him to establish a branch in his city, and mentions that he is favorably disposed to the idea. He also reports that they stopped by the local B.M.C. mines. (possibly to gather blackrock) and claims that they have since gone to Moonglow.[11]
  8. Moonglow: Rankin recalls how Elizabeth and Abraham recently gave him a training session relating to his new position as branch leader, and that they have since journeyed to Terfin.[12]
  9. Terfin: Quan tells how Elizabeth and Abraham were recently on the island gathering funds and mentions that they later set sail for the Fellowship's Meditation Retreat.[13]
  10. Meditation Retreat: The retreat director, Ian, reports that Elizabeth and Abraham have recently delivered the funds from Terfin, and that they have since headed to Buccaneer's Den.[14]
  11. Buccaneer's Den: Danag mentions that Elizabeth and Abraham recently arrived and are probably somewhere in the vicinity of the island, but will not say more. Their trail goes cold.[15]
  12. New Magincia: The Avatar arrives to return Alagner's notebook only to find him viciously murdered. The sage's crystal ball confirms the involvement of all four parties. Russell mentions having seen the Crown Jewel come into port recently but does not know where it was headed.[16]
  13. Buccaneer's Den: After numerous adventures, the hero manages to track Hook back to Buccaneer's Den and finds his concealed home there. Speaking to Danag using the blackrock cube, they discover that the group is bound for the Isle of the Avatar.[15]
  14. Isle of the Avatar: The Avatar arrives at the pedestal of the Black Gate and confronts the Fellowship's inner circle.


  1. KlogUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "argument, companions".
  2. GarganUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Crown Jewel".
  3. ClintUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Crown Jewel".
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 BatlinUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Elizabeth and Abraham".
  5. ElynorUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Elizabeth and Abraham".
  6. RutherfordUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Crown Jewel, Hook".
  7. OwenUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Crown Jewel, Hook".
  8. FeridwynUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Elizabeth and Abraham".
  9. JosephUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Elizabeth and Abraham".
  10. BatlinUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII TranscriptUltima VII. "Elizabeth and Abraham".
  11. AustonUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Elizabeth and Abraham".
  12. RankinUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Elizabeth and Abraham".
  13. QuanUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Elizabeth and Abraham".
  14. IanUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Elizabeth and Abraham".
  15. Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 DanagUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Elizabeth and Abraham".
  16. RussellUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Crown Jewel".