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The double-murder scene
Species: human
CollapseUltima VII
Location: Minoc

Tania is a murdered gypsy found in Ultima VII in Minoc.


In their youth, Frederico and his brother Jergi competed for the affections Tania. In the end Frederico won her heart and she became his wife. Their union eventually gifted them with a son, Sasha. However, over time the gypsies of Minoc came into conflict with the Fellowship, causing Tania to be especially set against them when they managed to convert Sasha to their cause.

This mutual antagonism finally convinced the Fellowship branch leader, Elynor, to call Hook and Forskis for a murderous, permanent solution. Frederico and Tania were either lured or kidnapped into the Sawmill of Minoc during the night and then brutally murdered. The Avatar came upon the crime scene the next morning.


  • As Margareta reveals, she had forseen the bloody events, but Frederico and Tania didn't heed her warnings.