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Landon, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Yew
Description: Resistance leader
Ultima V
Landon, from Ultima V
Description: Resistance leader
Location: Yew
Transcript: Landon

Landon is the leader of the Resistance during the events of Ultima V.


After following the trail from Terrance in Britain to Chamfort in Yew, the Avatar with the latter's help managed to enter the sewers beneath Yew. There he found Landon, who after getting the correct password from the hero, officially welcomed the Avatar to the Resistance, revealing the location of Lord British's Crown, and suggesting to see Sir Simon in Bordermarch for further help.[1]

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

In Ultima V: Lazarus, Landon immediately recognized the Avatar, for he had been told of the hero's return by his men. He told the hero how he had originally served on the Druid Council with Jaana, but when opponents of Blackthorn had started disappearing, he and Jaana had thought it prudent to preemptively disappear themselves, and form the Resistance.[2][3] Landon was quick to induct the hero into his cause, suggesting that they carefully adhered to the tenets of Truth, Love, and Courage, speaking the truth about the Oppression, harboring all those hunted by the Oppression, and never lacking the bravery to fight against the Oppression. After several questions to determine the Avatar's character, Landon inducted the hero into the Resistance, suggesting the Avatar work on finding Lord British and lifting the spirits of the people, although in an unwatched moment, Landon let the hero know that if he thought the Avatar's actions impeded the Resistance's goal, he would slay the hero and use that death to make the hero a martyr for the Resistance.

The first quest Landon tasked the Avatar with was rescuing Mario from the stocks in Yew because the Resistance needed his contacts at Empath Abbey. Landon suggested he had a plan to do so, but it required a large number of men and resources. When the Avatar merely picked the locks and set Mario and Aleyn free, or paid the father and son's ransom to Judge Dryden, Landon lamented that even though the Avatar's plan was more feasible, it lacked the panache of his original idea.[4][5]

Landon next tasked the Avatar with picking up a secret shipment of weapons from Chamfort the blacksmith, which the smith had created and hidden. Chamfort would give the hero the weapons when Ronan was not present.[6] Returning to Landon, the Resistance leader tasked the hero with distributing the weapons to Ean in Jhelom and Vigil in Britanny North.[7][8]

Landon also further tasked the Avatar with retrieving the Lord British's Crown from the Palace of Blackthorn, and suggested the hero see Sir Simon in Bordermarch for further help, admitting that the two leaders shared little love for each other, where Sir Simon wanted the names of all Resistance members, and Landon felt Sir Simon should be more confrontational with the Oppression.

Landon would further task the hero with joining the Oppression, warning that this might be dangerous because the hero might begin to agree with their propaganda. He asked the Avatar to discover their password, Impera and obtain a copy of their black badge so that Resistance operatives would be better able to infiltrate the Oppression. Landon asked the Avatar to do whatever possible to win their trust and convince them of his servitude.

If the hero spoke to Heron about recruiting the rebels of Spiritwood to the Resistance,[9] Landon would write a memo to the Ranger Captain discussing the terms of joining their organization. Should the Avatar return the letter to Heron, a number of recruits from the Spiritwood would begin to flood the Resistance's ranks.

The Ultima 6 Project[edit]

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related NPC article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

In The Ultima 6 Project, Landon's journal could be found by the Avatar in the ruins of the Resistance headquarters, long after he had gone. In the book, Landon wrote among other things, that he felt the Avatar seemed to be a bit more simple-minded than he had expected.
