Ultima VI: Le Faux Prophète

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Title screen

Ultima VI: Le Faux Prophète is a fan-patch created by Yves, also known as Docwise Dragon, which fully translates Ultima VI into French, and which is hosted at Die Heimstatt des Sir John.

The Patch[edit]

The only official translation made for Ultima VI was Japanese. Yves did the French translation from the ground up, using the same tools as Sir John for Ultima VI auf Deutsch. There were difficulties, especially since lots of work had to be done with hex-editors and that the spellbook was hardcoded, leading to spells having to be shortened. Another problem were the special characters in French which while correctly displayed in the text, but could not be entered properly by users, and thus needed a workaround. A special manual was created to explain the changes.

A few strange effects occur due to the translation, such as the moons in the time display suddenly going into the opposite direction.


The original version of Ultima VI is needed for the patch. The patch files then are simply copied into the game directory, and that is basically all that needs to be done to patch the game to French. The resulting game can then be played in DOSBox.


The following features are part of the patch:

  • Full and complete translation of all text in the game to French.
  • Re-drawing of all English graphics into French graphics (as seen in the title screen).
  • Due to the nature of the spellbook, most spells are abbreviated.
  • Copy protection stays in English due to program code.
  • Included is a full French translation of the Compendium as a PDF, which is a first, as the book originally went untranslated as well.


External Links[edit]

Translations of the Ultima series
Official Translations In GeneralUltima VIIUltima VIIIUltima IX
Fan Translations
of Ultima VI
Fan Translations
of Savage Empire (SNES)
Fan Translations
of Ultima Underworld (PSX)
Fan Translations
of Ultima VII
Fan Translations
of Ultima VII Part Two