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Quintin, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Ultima V
Quintin, from Ultima V
Transcript: Quintin

Quintin is the cook of Farthing during the events of Ultima V.


Quintin lived mostly for his job, and he told that much to the Avatar, although he did let slip that Seggallion, the lord of the keep, had once been a pirate. However, he then stopped himself and said that he shouldn't gossip. If the Avatar still wanted to know more, he suggested to the hero to visit Telila in Britain, whom he said would be a good gossip spring.[1]

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

In Ultima V: Lazarus, Quintin joked that he was the gardener and cook on Farthing, thus prevented the inhabitants of the island from resorting to cannibalism. He remarked that he did his job so well, it had been ages since anyone had mentioned human flesh, and if he didn't do his job well Seggallion would order Temme to turn him into a newt anyway.[2]

The sociable cook spoke highly of Lord Seggallion’s rule of the island, and his appreciation of the culinary arts. Quintin eagerly talked about the inhabitants of Farthing, noting that Dufus was a good child, and he had gone out of his way to make sure the young apprentice had felt welcome on the island and was well fed. He felt that the magician Temme was a bit haughty, but that there was a good person hidden underneath her high-minded exterior. The cook felt that Jaron, a recent visitor to the island, was an interesting man and a great conversationist. Of Lyndon, he had little love, saying Seggallion barely tolerated the Inquisitor spy, and that the man took great pleasure in making people uncomfortable. To infuriate the man, he always acted especially jovial in Lyndon's presence. Quinton told the Avatar that he had recently seen a letter written by Lyndon addressed to Elistaria of Windemere, stating that the Oppression had interest in Temme’s magical ability, and wished for Seggallion's mage to move to Windemere to serve them. Quintin was hesitant to tell his lord this news.[3]

If pressed about piracy, he'll admit to formerly being Seggallion's cabin boy, but would provide nothing more, suggesting the Avatar speak to Telila in Britain for gossip.
