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Nomaan, from Ultima VI
Species: human
CollapseUltima VI
Location: Jhelom
Transcript: Nomaan
The Ultima 6 Project
Nomaan, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Jhelom
Ultima V: Lazarus
Nomaan, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Location: Jhelom
Description: blacksmith at Naughty Nomaan's
Ultima V
Nomaan, from Ultima V
Description: blacksmith at Naughty Nomaan's
Location: Jhelom

Naughty Nomaan is the owner of Naughty Nomaan's blacksmith in Jhelom in Ultima V and Ultima VI.


Like most vendors, Nomaan had little to say during Ultima V; although, he had already picked up the nickname "Naughty" by this point.

When the Avatar again met Nomaan during the Gargoyle War, the hero found Nomaan to be a straight-laced, serious man. He assured the Avatar that his moniker "Naughty" was merely a nickname. Some time before this meeting, Nomaan had won the rune of Valor in a contest sponsored by Zellivan. During the ensuing celebrations at The Sword and Keg, his hands unsteady from a quart of ale, Nomaan let drop the rune. This was immediately picked up by a large rat, and dragged into its burrow despite the best efforts of the tavern patrons to stop the animal. Since that time, nobody in Jhelom had been able to recover the rune.[1]

Nomaan was willing to sell the Avatar arms and armour.

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

In Ultima V: Lazarus, Nomaan was quick to welcome the Avatar to Jhelom, telling the hero to appreciate their tales of daring and adventure as well as their splendid architectural achievement and warm climes. He joked that he earned his alliterative nickname "Naughty" from certain indiscretions of his youth.[2]

Of himself, Nomaan told the hero that he was not a blacksmith, and that Bullwier, whom the merchant praised as highly skilled, did the majority of the metalworking. The two had originally met at the Bay Inn in Minoc, where Nomaan had met the drunken blacksmith in a cordial mood, and the smith told how he enjoyed his work but could not stand the constant harassment by customers. Thus, the two had entered into business where Bullwier did the metalworking, but Nomaan took care of all the administrative duties and sales. Nomaan personally attributed Bullwier's sour mood while sober to the vast quantities of alcohol he consumed during the evenings.

The rise of the Oppression had been beneficial for their business, and even though many in Jhelom were passionate in their dislike for the new regime, he thought it better to make due with the new political realities than cause a fuss. He felt it unlikely that Lord British were to return, and that the previous outspoken mayor, Ean, had been wise to retire, making room for Fel who harbored little love for the Oppression, but was content to occupy a now largely ceremonial position as mayor.

The Ultima 6 Project[edit]

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related NPC article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

In The Ultima 6 Project, the Avatar has the option of returning the rune to Nomaan, so he would be able to fulfil his role as the rune-keeper. The Avatar could ask to borrow it, if the need would arise to use the corresponding shrine.


Nomaan, the weaponsmith, does a healthy business, even though he spends a good deal of his time over at the Sword & Keg.


  • Like many characters in the Ultima series, Nomaan was based upon individuals associated with Richard Garriott through his involvement with a medievalist group known as the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). The character, Naughty Nomaan of Naughty Nomaan's Weapons shop, and later Naughty Nomaan's Weapons Unlimited, was based on the SCA persona of Nomaan Bucharde, also known outside the organization as Jerry Self. The SCA character Nomaan’s penchant for finding and getting into trouble both humorous and serious led to his nickname "Naughty" Nomaan. Jerry Self left the Society for Creative Anachronism in 1993 after nearly 20 years as a member. He currently lives in Austin, Texas with his wife Anne Shaw. Together, and for the last 15 years they have owned a Professional Staff Development and curriculum Design Company called 21st Century Schools.


  1. Nomaan. Ultima VI transcriptUltima VI. "name, job, buy, sell, ammu, naug, rune, gone, rat, hole, mant".
  2. Nomaan. Ultima V: Lazarus Regional ProfilesUltima V: Lazarus.