Even the hardiest of adventurers cannot ignore the weather, especially when the cold arrives at the onset of winter, or when exploring regions that are naturally cold, such as the poles or the high mountains. To survive in such extreme conditions, winter gear is needed to keep travelers warm. The penalty for the added warmth is that most of this gear does not protect the wearer in combat (meaning he has no armour rating).
Winter gear usually is made from animals with good fur, and generally consists of these three parts:
- A fur cap, which keeps the head warm.
- A thick cloak, which can be wrapped around the body.
- Fur boots, which prevent damage to the feet.
However, many other armour parts also provide warmth, those above are only the best at doing the job.
In Ultima VII Part Two, the Avatar and party needed winter gear to enter the Northern Regions of the Serpent Isle, as this part of the land was frozen over, and the cold temperatures would have killed them in mere minutes. The threshold for keeping warm is a warmth-level of 175. Fur boots (95), a fur cloak (70), magic leggings (5) and magic armor (5) do reach this limit, so that the choice in head gear is free, it doesn't have to be the fur cap.
Warmth Ratings[edit]
All the gear that gives or detracts warmth is listed here, sorted by body regions and from best to worst.
Wolf |
 Leopard |
Bear |
Gwani |
Red |
- In Ultima II, cloaks could protect the upper body from paralysis by devils.
- The Helm of Light also keeps the head of the wearer warm, thus replacing a fur cap.
- It is not advised to wear a gwani fur cloak around other gwani, as this will offend them.
- In Ultima VII Part Two, cloaks have a defensive value of 1.[1]
- Warm clothing is also a necessity during the nighttime in Martian Dreams; the warmest combination of clothing according to the Martian Dreams Clue Book is a military/pith helmet, muffler, hip boots, arctic parka, wool pants/dress, and either wool mittens or welding gloves.
See Also[edit]