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Delwyn, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Minoc
Description: beggar
Ultima V
Delwyn, from Ultima V
Description: beggar
Location: Minoc
Transcript: Delwyn

Delwyn is a beggar in Minoc during the events of Ultima V.


When meeting him in Ultima V, the Avatar could choose to show him kindness and give a donation, thus showing true Compassion and Sacrifice. When returning later, Delwyn would offer the Avatar a secret for another donation: the shop owner Shenstone always acts suspicious at noon and it would prove worthwhile to shadow him.[1]

The hint was good, as since Shenstone was hiding skull keys.

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

In Ultima V: Lazarus, Delwyn suggested to the Avatar that he was a living test of Sacrifice, and that he openly challenged all the rich nobles of Britannia in this Virtue simply by his existence. He further noted that the citizens' adherence to this virtue could be directly measured by his well being, and that currently times were not so good. The poor beggar would humbly ask for gold when prompted, and promised the hero that any gold given might pay off with future hints.[2]

Delwyn had a number of secrets he would reveal to the Avatar during subsequent visits, although, some were tongue-in-cheek. He jokingly suggested that Lady Sahra at The Healers Mission had a romantic interest in him, and frequently sought to seduce him. The beggar also noted that Fiona had a hard life, for she lost her husband Jarvin, and her daughter Rew had been taken from her and forced to work for Captain Blyth at The Crow's Nest. He furthered noticed that the old blacksmith Shenstone frequently acted suspicious around noon, and he claimed that Captain Blyth had been purchasing manacles from Shenstone at the Darkwatch Armoury. The beggar further mentioned that Hahna used to be friends with Lady Guinere while she was involved with the former mayor Lord Tenneth. Delwyn suspected Hahna's friendship with Lady Guinere is what secured her the mayorship after Lady Guinere became involved with the Oppression.
