Appar Unem

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Appar Unem
Ultima III
Class: prayers
Mana: 5
Command: B
Ultima I
Name: Unlock

Appar Unem is a spell of great use to safely open chests.

Spell Description[edit]

When cast upon an unfamiliar treasure chest, the magic of this enchantment will attempt to safely disarm any traps present. If successful, the chest will open instantly so that its contents are at the disposal of the caster. Although the casting of Appar Unem does carry with it a chance of failure, if this should occur, the spell may simply be attempted again, until either the chest is disarmed or the caster runs out of adequate mana to cast the spell.

This would later evolve into the Britannian Open spell.


Often the chest which thou shalt find along thy journeys will contain a trap, the intent of which is to damage thee and thy party. Since thou dost have the innate ability to know the true nature of evil, thou can overcome this difficulty.

To open a chest with no risk of injury to thyself or thy party, pour a few drops of holy water into the lock and invoke the aid of the One who is all Truth by raising the holy ankh over the chest. It will open freely and allow thee to grasp its inner treasures.

This spell permits the opening of chests at no risk to the spellcaster by magically disarming any traps.


  • Note that this spell may also be cast while in the midst of combat, should the spellcaster's party occupy a space shared by a chest on the overland map.[Clarification needed]

See Also[edit]

Ultima I Spells
PrayerOpenUnlockMagic MissileStealLadder DownLadder Up
Wizards only: BlinkCreateDestroyKill
Ultima III Spells
Arcane RepondMittarLorumDor AcronSur AcronFulgarDag AcronMentarDag LorumFal DiviNoxumDecorpAltairDag MentarNecorpP
Divine PontoriAppar UnemSanctuLuminaeRec SuRec DuLib RecAlcortSequituSominaeSanctu ManiViedaExcuunSurmandumZxkuqybAnju Sermani