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Wilfred, from Ultima VII Part Two
Species: human
Ultima VII Part Two
Location: Inn of the Sleeping Bull

Wilfred is a knight of Monitor, of the Bear Command, son to Devra and Angus, brother of Argus on the Serpent Isle. He appears in Ultima VII Part Two.


Wilfred becoming a knight of Monitor was less born out of true reverence for that kind of life and more due to his jealously of his older brother Argus, despite his parents Angus and Devra trying to talk him out of it. The rift between the brothers only deepened after Argus accidentally slayed the inexperienced knight Flessar on the List Field. Wilfred refused to run the Inn of the Sleeping Bull after his father Angus disappeared, and was set on finding and killing Batlin, to avenge his father's death – though him not actually leaving the inn despite these boastful words cast significant doubt if he would have actually followed through with his announcement.

After Batlin's death, Wilfred was found at the demolished Inn, his remaining family slaughtered by the Wantoness Bane. Hearing the news of Batlin's death, he offered to train or join the Avatar. However, Wilfred would run away from battle as soon as being injured, shouting that joining the Avatar had been madness. He thus revealed himself to be a coward.


She told me Angus was her husband and together they ran the Sleeping Bull Inn. When their sons, Argus and Wilfred, left home, she thought Angus could use some help around the inn, and so she hired Theron. “I guess I never should have done it,” she sighed.


Wilfred offers the following training services:

Points Benefits Cost
2 +1 STR +1 Combat 30
  • While a member of the Avatar's party, Wilfred offers his training free of charge.


  • Wilfred will only appear in the inn after the Avatar's party has freed Captain Hawk, he is not present before that point and thus some will miss his unique dialogue options.
  • Wilfred, as well as Tsandar in the Silver Seed, are the only trainers available after the death of Batlin. While being in the party, Wilfred can of course not train himself, and he will mock the Avatar for the attempt.
  • Wilfred's portrait in the 1.07 Beta sported garish green tattoos on his face (but no command tattoo). These were removed for the final game.
  • If Wilfred is killed, calling Thoxa with the hourglass will result in her refusing to revive him.


See Also[edit]