Party members in Ultima VII Part Two

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This table shows all the possible party members in Ultima VII Part Two. Note that this list doesn't include short-term companions like Sethys, Selina and Mortegro.

Name Class STR DEX INT COM[n 1] Initial Location
IoloSI.PNG CompanionIoloU7.PNG Iolo Bard 15 24 24 16 With Avatar
ShaminoSI.png CompanionShaminoU7.PNG Shamino Ranger 19 23 12 18 With Avatar
DupreSI.png CompanionDupreU7.PNG Dupre Paladin 22 20 13 18 With Avatar
GwennoSI.PNG GwennoSerpentIsle.PNG Gwenno Bard 24 20 24 16 Monk Isle, after Dupre's sacrifice.
Petra.png PetraSI.PNG Petra Automaton 20 15 20 7 Moonshade, Blue Boar Inn after Bane attack (need to know about mind transfer).
Will not rejoin if dismissed.
BoydonSI.png Boydon.png Boydon 30 12 12 8 Isles of the Mad Mage after putting him together.
Can't be resurrected.
WilfredSI.png FighterOrangeSI.PNG Wilfred Fighter 20 15 10 25 Inn of the Sleeping Bull after Bane attack.
Will leave when injured.
StefanoSI.png NobleU7.png Stefano Thief 17 12 19 2 Mountains of Freedom, leaves after escaping.
  1. Combat capabilities

Party Members by Game
Game Ultima IVUltima VUltima VISavage EmpireMartian DreamsUltima VIIUltima VII Part Two