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Species: human
CollapseUltima VII Part Two

This article is about a character in Ultima VII Part Two. For other uses, see Angus (disambiguation).

Angus is the missing proprietor of Serpent Isle’s Inn of the Sleeping Bull discussed in Ultima VII Part Two.


The grandson of infamous pirate Silverpate, who himself built the Sleeping Bull, Angus inherited the sprawling establishment upon the death of his father, Donal. As a young man he wedded Devra, the inn's long-serving cook, and the couple produced two sons: Argus and Wilfred, both knights of nearby Monitor.[1]

Described as a large, hard-working man,[2][3] Angus tended the daily operations of the Sleeping Bull with his wife for many years, until approximately six months before the Avatar's arrival in search of Batlin, when they twice provided lodging for the fugitive sage and his incognito gargoyle accomplice, Palos.[4][5]

Angus bore a distrust of mages and was leery of Batlin, whose unusual behavior also drew the attention of the inn's other guests.[6][7] Eventually, on the final evening of the Britannian's second stay, Devra woke to the sound of a commotion in the Sleeping Bull's cellar; while initially finding nothing untoward, the following morning she discovered signs of a struggle and her husband having inexplicably vanished along with Batlin and Palos,[8][9] who had presumably been attempting to access the serpent gate beneath the inn when they were disturbed.

After this bewildering incident, Angus was not seen again and his exact fate never discerned. His duties at the Sleeping Bull were promptly assumed by his son Argus, until the estate was ravaged in the wholesale destruction unleashed by the Banes of Chaos, who were inadvertently set loose by Batlin in Ultima VII Part Two.


The doors from the kitchen slammed open and a large, dark-haired man stormed in. “Devra, you are going to have to do something about that – ” He saw me and forced a smile. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know we had a customer.” I smiled and introduced myself. “I apologize for my first impression,” he said.


  • Thoxa met the living Angus during her journey as written in Balancing the Scales, thus giving a rough timeframe of when she visited the inn. This also is the only account of the living man encountered.
