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This article is about the chef at the Wayfarer Tavern. For the proprietor of Just Healing, see Justin (U4).

Justin, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Britain
Description: cook in Wayfarer's Inn
Ultima V
Justin, from Ultima V
Description: cook in Wayfarer's Inn
Location: Britain
Transcript: Justin

Justin is the chef at the Wayfarer's Inn in Britain during the events of Ultima V.


Justin introduced himself by discussing his job and his specialty, roast leg of mutton a la Britanny, claiming it to be the best in all of Britannia. That said, he offered the Avatar a taste. Admitting that it was enjoyable, Justin invited the hero to pay for it. He then revealed that their busboy, Eb, knew a lot about glassware.[1]

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

In Ultima V: Lazarus, Justin readily admitted that he was proud of being a chef, and found great pleasure in his job at the Wayfarer's Inn, stating that he would not want to work anywhere else. He felt Donya to be an excellent boss, although he admitted if pressed that there had recently been bad-blood between Donya and the serving maid Tika, believing that Donya suspected Tika of stealing money from the inn. Justin himself felt it hard to believe that Tika would steal, or that Donya would suspect someone without just cause.[2]

When asked about Telila's ghosts in the wine cellar,[3] Justin admitted that food had indeed gone missing, but he thought Telila's explanation to be far-fetched, believing the woman to be a hopeless gossip.


  • In Ultima V, Justin briefly mentions that he received his recipe for mutton a la Britanny from a chef named Andre of West Brittany, which might be a nod to Andre the French Chef from Ultima II.[4]
  • Andre's name appears on a gravestone in West Brittany, indicating that he died of salmonella, but in Ultima V: Lazarus a chef named Andre at the Blue Boar Tavern Justin’s description.
