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Donya, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Britain
Description: Innkeeper at the Wayfarer's Inn
Ultima V
Donya, from Ultima V
Description: Innkeeper at the Wayfarer's Inn
Location: Britain

Donya is the owner of the Wayfarer's Inn in Britain in Ultima V.

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

In Ultima V: Lazarus, Donya readily talked about the political climate in Britannia. She told the Avatar that business had been good since Lord Blackthorn had taken control, but she feared for her safety, saying a few weeks ago Blackthorn's men had showed up drunk, suggesting that the Inn should offer more exotic services. She had thrown the men out, but they had continued to harass her, until suddenly the attention stopped last week. She was certain Captain Maul had stopped it, but she knew not why, mentioning she had been Maul's nanny in his youth, but the young boy full of Compassion had grown up into a cold hard man.[1]

Donya mentioned how her great grandmother had moved the Wayfarer's Inn from Minoc about a hundred years ago. She spoke highly of her employees, praising Justin’s cooking, Eb’s service, and even gossipy Telila’s cleaning, but felt that something had come over Tika recently, and she was acting more flirtatious than before.

If the Avatar spoke to the cook Justin, the man would mention that Donya suspected Tika of recently stealing from her establishment.[2] The hero could speak to both parties, where Tika would reveal that she had stolen while under the influence of the Shadowlords.[3]

Should the hero speak to Maul in the evenings while drunk, the guard captain would cry that all of Britain feared him except his former nanny, Donya.[4]
