Darkwatch Armoury

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Darkwatch Armoury
Death Watch.png
CollapseUltima VI
Type: armoury
Location: Minoc
Shopkeeper: James
Ultima V
Darkwatch Armoury, from Ultima V
Location: Minoc
Shopkeeper: Shenstone

Darkwatch Armoury is an armoury in Minoc, the city of Sacrifice. This establishment appears during Ultima V.


Founded some time before the appearance of the Shadowlords to replace The Iron Works, the shop was run by Shenstone in Ultima V. The blacksmith Tactus working there was especially enthusiastic about the Oppression and unwittingly helped the Avatar infiltrate it. By Ultima VI no armoury called “Darkwatch” was to be found, but a “Death Watch Armory” was available in the same town with a different owner. While his master was absent, the apprentice James worked there as a blacksmith.

In the following centuries, the armoury closed down. By Ultima VII, the blacksmith Zorn had opened up an armoury in Minoc instead.


Ultima V[edit]

Prices in Ultima V are as follows:[1]

Weapon Cost
Armour Cost
U5-weapon.gif Short sword 40 U5-helm.gif Iron helm 120
U5-weapon.gif Mace 50 U5-shield.gif Small shield 40
U5-weapon.gif Two-handed hammer 85 U5-armour.png Ring mail 100

Ultima VI[edit]

In Ultima VI the prices at Death Watch Armory are as follows:[2]

Weapon Cost
Armour Cost
DaggerU6.PNG Dagger 5 10 ChainCoifU6.PNG Chain coif 15 7
MaceU6.PNG Mace 35 17 ChainMailU6.PNG Chain mail 50 25
MainGaucheU6.PNG Main gauche 20 10 RingMailU6.PNG Ring mail 35 17
MorningStarU6.PNG Morning star 40 20 ScaleMailU6.PNG Scale mail 70 35
SwordU6.PNG Sword 35 17 WingedHelmU6.PNG Winged helm 20 10

*The salvage value of the equipment.

In general, these weapons and armour can be sold to the shop for 50% of the buying price (rounded down).
