Captain Fox

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Captain Fox
Captain Fox.GIF
Captain Fox, from Ultima VI
Species: human
Profession: sailor
CollapseUltima VI
Location: Buccaneer's Den
Transcript: Captain Fox
The Ultima 6 Project
Captain Fox, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Buccaneer's Den

Captain Fox is a sailor in Buccaneer's Den in Ultima VI.


The Avatar met Captain Fox, captain of the Silken Stag, at The Fallen Virgin tavern in Buccaneer's Den enjoying a drink or three. He boasted that his ventures had taken him throughout Britannia, and that in his spare time he took the opportunity to create paintings, a number of which decorated the walls of The Fallen Virgin. When asked about the gargoyles he expressed respect for their hardiness, believing that Captain Johne had descended into the Underworld to seek the gargoyles, but had fled from the first one he encountered.[1]


  • Captain Fox is modeled upon Richard Fox, an Amtgard player who, as Nithanalorn Draconis Dignitatis, founded the Grand Duchy of Barad Duin,[2][3] which provided a source of inspiration for many Ultima VI characters via the participation of writer David Shapiro (Dr. Cat) and artist-writer Manda (Penumbra). Fox, an artist in reality, was commissioned by Richard Garriott in the mid-1980s to paint a portrait of the Ultima creator dressed in Lord British garb,[4] and is also said by Candice in Ultima VII to have his works featured at the Royal Museum.[5]



  1. Captain Fox. Ultima VI transcriptUltima VI. "name, job, capt, john, drin, edge, silk".
  2.  “Nithanalorn Draconis Dignitatis”. AmtWiki. 2014-01-15. Retrieved 2018-07-19.
  3.  "Roster of Current Members of Amtgard — The Grand Duchy of Barad Duin". The Palantir of Barad-Duin. May 1989. Page 41.
  4.  “Origin Museum-LB Portrait”. The Origin Museum. 2005-01-20. Retrieved 2018-07-19.
  5. CandiceUltima VII UsecodeUltima VII. "works of art".