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The scene of what might have been Astrid's ultimate fate
Species: human
Ultima VII Part Two
Location: Western Forest

Astrid was a Serpent Islander who served as Monitor's Knight Champion prior to her death a little before the events of Ultima VII Part Two.


Astrid was a daring fighter hailing from Monitor's Bear Command, and at the time of her death, she had held the title of Knight Champion for three years, a span of time longer than any champion before or after her could claim.[1] She appeared to have been generally well-liked by her fellow Monitorians and was a close friend and associate of Shazzana,[2] a Knight of the Leopard Command who greatly admired her strength in arms. Additionally, she was the lover of Lord Marsten, although their relationship was more physical than romantic.[3]

Shortly before the Avatar's arrival on Serpent Isle, a patrol Astrid was leading was ambushed by Goblins, and she was taken as a live prisoner to face the torments of death in a Goblin village. Monitor's much vaunted Helm of Courage was also seized in the attack, leaving the city with no Champion until the artifact's recovery.[4]

The only two survivors of the ill-fated expedition were Groat, who perished from his wounds shortly after returning to the city, and Templar, who was able to deduce from his experience that a human traitor had been complicit in the attack. In the wake of Templar's claim, many Knights of the city were drawn into paranoid feuds along the lines of their Commands, with the Bears calling for an investigation into the local provisioner, Krayg,[5] and the Wolves voicing their suspicions regarding the arrogant Luther.[6][7] Ultimately, however, the Avatar was able to deduce that the innkeeper Simon had been responsible for relaying information, having been, in reality, a Goblin masquerading as a man.[8] Later, after the hero slew the Goblin chief Pomdirgun and reclaimed the Helm of Monitor, documents could be recovered implicating Lord Marsten and his treasurer Spektor in arranging the raid, although Marsten had made some attempt to secure Astrid's life even as he betrayed her.


  • The body of a female pikeman may be found in the midst of the Goblin camp, stowed in a small hut that appears to have been set aside for the butchering of human corpses for their meat. It may be that the player is intended to understand this as Astrid's body, given the assertions of various Knights that the Goblins probably took her with the intention of eating her flesh
