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Templar, from Ultima VII Part Two
Species: human
Ultima VII Part Two
Location: Monitor

Templar is a Serpent Islander who serves as a Knight of Monitor in Ultima VII Part Two.


Templar was a knight of the Bear Command, who was known for his numerous tournament victories and his extensive knowledge of Goblin culture and military tactics.[1] Lord Marsten regularly consulted Templar as a tactical adviser given his expertise, and he had much sound advice regarding how best to plan military maneuvers against the Goblin horde.[2]

Shortly before the Avatar's arrival on Serpent Isle, Templar had been a part of a patrol led by the Monitorian Knight Champion Astrid and had been he only survivor after a sudden Goblin ambush. He had been presumed dead by his attackers and was able to make his way southward to the Knight's Test, where Shmed found him and dressed his wounds.[3] Later, he would give voice to his conviction that Astrid had been betrayed by someone from within the city, causing an uproar at the celebratory banquet held to induct the Avatar into Monitorian knighthood.

Outside of his role as a military tactician, Templar proved one of the few knights willing to talk about Argus's recent departure from the city. He had been a close friend of the knight Flessar, who had been slain -allegedly by accident- in the midst of a duel on the List Field with Argus. While Argus would claim that his eventual decision to leave Monitor was a matter of familial obligation, following the disappearance of his father from the Inn of the Sleeping Bull, Templar remained convinced that Argus fled the city to escape retribution for his crimes, and would tell the Avatar as much should the hero ask.[4]

Ultimately, Templar perished along with most of Monitor's populace when Dupre, possessed by the Bane of Wantonness, led an army of Goblins and monsters against the city.


  • A search of Templar's quarters on Roland Street and Kosric Road will turn up 11 monetari.
  • Should the Avatar show Templar the bottle of Fawnish Ale retrieved from the Goblin rendezvous point in the forest, he will explain that it offers proof of a human conspirator, given that Goblins have an instinctual penchant for breaking any glass object they come across.[5]
  • Should the Avatar show Harnna the strange hairbrush that a Teleport Storm exchanged for Shamino's burst arrows, she will recoil from the object in disgust and bid the hero ask Templar of it. If queried, Templar will reveal that it is a Goblin hairbrush, which had been carved from the bone of a human victim.[6][7]
  • Templar is an expert on Goblins, and Simon is secretly a Goblin spy. The two characters' names are likely a reference to Simon Templar, the protagonist of the book series and TV show The Saint.
