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Laundo, from Ultima VII
Species: human
Ultima VII
Location: North of Skara Brae

Laundo is a mad and amoral mage that is found in the Keyring Mod for Ultima VII.


Launda was a mage who was driven insane by the effects of the Tetrahedron Generator. Prior to the Avatar's arrival in Britannia, Laundo had kidnapped Zauriel's powerful daughter Laurianna in a bid to somehow harvest her enormous magical abilities for his own, placing a necklace around her neck that would kill the girl if Zauriel approached close. He even created a powerful magical spell that hid him and his henchmen halfway between Britannia and the Ethereal Void, requiring the Avatar to obtain a Gems of Dispelling to rescue Laurianna.

Confronted by the Avatar, Laundo seemed confused by the hero's sudden appearance. The archmage gloated that he would steal Laurianna's power as his own, and that the necklace he had created prevented her from fleeing, as well as any powerful mage from coming to her rescue. He gloated he would even use this power to kill Lord British and claim his castle as his own after stealing the young woman's power. Laundo demanded to know how the Avatar managed to dispel the powerful enchantment which hid him, yet seemed little concerned if the Avatar explained the process. Although, he would immediately attack the hero if not told the truth, or if the hero threatened to rescue Laurianna. Finally growing bored of conversation with the hero, Laundo attacked.


  • Laundo's henchmen include a Fighter, a Gargoyle and Trolls. The trolls actually play a variant of "Rock, Scissors, Paper".